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WooCommerce – How to Get $Product ID, SKU, Price from $Product Object?

This article lists some code snippets to get product ID, SKU, price, category and other product details in WooCommerce. And also how to manage all these WooCommerce products from one place.

WooCommerce - Get product ID, SKU, and price from $product

Last updated on September 9, 2024

How do I get the WooCommerce product ID?

How do you get the product SKU, or how do you get the product’s regular price, sale price, stock, shipping class, tax class, images, dimensions, attributes, categories and other product details?

You need to get the WooCommerce product ID and other details to accomplish various store operations. These might include fetching which products were present in an order, applying advanced product filters, editing prices and descriptions, etc.

This article lists down some codes you can use to get product by ID, product by SKU and price, and other details in WooCommerce to tick off your stock management tasks.

You will also learn how you can manage all your WooCommerce products, orders, coupons and any WordPress custom post-type data from one place.

Ready to boost your store’s productivity? Read on!

Getting product info from $product object via code

Not always do you have access to the $product object. Understand your case and see if you can “get” that $product object in another way.

In this case, you have to find a way to “get the $product object from $product_id”.

Other examples might be the order page or the cart page. Here you don’t really have a $product available, so you have to loop through the order/cart items and get it.

After that, you can then calculate and get any piece of information you require out of $product.

You have access to $product variable

Hooks (do_action and apply_filters) use additional arguments that are passed on to the function.

If they allow you to use the “$product” object, it’s great. Alternatively, you can declare the “global $product” inside your function.

In both cases, this is how you get all the product information:

// Get Product ID
// Get Product General Info
get_permalink( $product->get_id() );
// Get Product Prices
// Get Product Tax, Shipping & Stock
// Get Product Dimensions
// Get Linked Products
// Get Product Variations and Attributes
$product->get_children(); // get variations
$product->get_attribute( 'attributeid' ); //get specific attribute value
// Get Product Taxonomies
// Get Product Downloads
// Get Product Images
// Get Product Reviews

You have access to $product_id

If you have access to the product ID (once again, usually the do_action or apply_filters will make this possible for you), you have to get the product object first. Then, do the exact same things as above.

// Get $product object from product ID
$product = wc_get_product( $product_id );
// Now you have access to (see above)...
// etc.
// etc.

You have access to the Order object or Order ID

How to get the product information inside the order?

In this case, you will need to loop through all the items present in the order and then apply the rules above.

// Get $product object from $order / $order_id
$order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
$items = $order->get_items();
foreach ( $items as $item ) {
    $product = $item->get_product();
    // Now you have access to (see above)...
    // etc.
    // etc.

For a better understanding, here’s what you can check out – How to get additional info out of the $order object.

You have access to the Cart object

How to get the product information inside the cart? In this case, once again, you will need to loop through all the items present in the cart and then apply the rules above.

If you wish to expand your WooCommerce PHP knowledge, here’s another article on how to get additional info out of the $cart object.

// Get $product object from Cart object
$cart = WC()->cart->get_cart();
foreach( $cart as $cart_item_key => $cart_item ){
    $product = $cart_item['data'];
    // Now you have access to (see above)...
    // etc.
    // etc.

You have access to $post object

In certain cases (e.g. the WordPress admin side or backend) you can only get access to $post. So, how do we “calculate” $product from $post?

Here’s how:

// Get $product object from $post object
$product = wc_get_product( $post );
// Now you have access to (see above)...
// etc.
// etc.

How do I find WooCommerce product ID without coding?

You can also get WooCommerce product ID using three simple ways:

WordPress backend

  1. Log in to your WordPress Admin panel dashboard.
  2. Click on Products > All Products.
  3. Hover on each product row and you’ll get the product ID.
get product id from WordPress backend

Edit product URL

Open any product to edit. You’ll find the product ID in the URL as “post=X”.

product id in url

Smart Manager plugin

The first two ways are time-consuming as you need to open each product or search and hover over a product to get the ID.

But with Smart Manager, you get all your product information such as ID, stock, price, additional details, SKU and a lot more. This means tons of details in one place in an Excel-like sheet editor.

WooCommerce get product ID sku price category details at one place

How to better manage WooCommerce inventory with Smart Manager?

Smart Manager is a WooCommerce advanced bulk edit and stock management plugin that helps you execute multiple tasks with an Excel sheet-like editor.

Featured images for products, regular price, sale price, additional information, SKU, categories, attributes and a lot more…you can manage and bulk edit product details using Smart Manager.

Hours of tasks within minutes or seconds.

Simple products, variable products and variations, affiliate products – it works for all.

Here’s how the Smart Manager plugin simplifies product management:

  • Add any number of new products to your stock database directly.
  • Enable or disable the ‘Manage stock’ for each product.
  • Manage and edit SKU, stock status, regular price and sale price for each.
  • Edit product description and tax status.
  • Add Tax status, Tax class, Shipping class, features images and product thumbnails for each product. Add attributes, edit categories and product status.
  • Increase or decrease sale price by X% or amount of regular price for all or selected stock.
  • Bulk edit stock status, inventory and more.
  • Set the sale price based on the product’s regular price using the bulk edit feature.
  • Perform operations like append, prepend, increase, decrease, set to, copy from, etc. using bulk edit.
  • Add attributes to hundreds of products at once using the bulk edit feature.
  • Real-time stock updates – stock quantity updates automatically when the sale is made.
  • Manage backorders.
  • Filter stock based on stock status, SKU, price, etc. Apply OR, AND or a combination of both conditions to fetch desired results amongst thousands of items.
  • Get predefined custom views. View only required stock-related data columns and hide all other columns to focus only on your stock or inventory-related metrics. Also sort products by name, SKU, price, etc. before making an export.
  • Export only those stock data as CSV which you need. Like the name and stock quantity. These will let people at your shop or warehouse know which product needs quick replenishment, which product stock is slow-moving, etc.
  • Delete individual stock, using filters and using bulk edit. Learn more about how to delete all products safely.
  • Manage stock fields added by custom plugins.
  • Manage and bulk edit posts and pages – status, title, content, categories, tags, SEO status and keywords.
  • Smart Manager also helps bulk delete your products based on filters like test products, permanently or move them to trash. This is the same for orders, coupons, pages and other post types using an Excel-like sheet editor.

Smart Manager is compatible with these top WooCommerce plugins – WooCommerce Subscriptions, Bookings, Memberships, Product Add-Ons and Cost of Goods.

You can easily manage all stock and product fields added by these plugins. Like products, you can also manage and bulk edit orders, coupons, posts, pages, users and any WordPress post type.

Try Smart Manager live demo


If you love coding and are well-versed with hooks and filters, you can take the coding approach to get product info as and when required.

To view and manage hundreds and thousands of products from a single place, do bulk edit, export, delete, duplicate and other store operations quickly, use the Smart Manager plugin.

We are sure you won’t regret your purchase.


How do I get the product by SKU in WooCommerce?
Go to WordPress admin > Products. Click on any product to edit it. Scroll down and click on the Inventory tab to find or add the product SKU.

Can I find a product ID with an SKU number?

How do I get the product image from a product ID in WooCommerce?
All you need to do is use the WordPress wp_get_attachment_url() function. The wp_get_attachment_url() function accepts an attachment ID as its only parameter. So, all you need to do is pass in the product ID and you’ll be able to get the URL of the product image.

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