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How to Export Orders in WooCommerce (Advanced and Use Cases)

With the Smart Manager plugin, it’s just one click and you can export hundreds and thousands of orders to CSV in real-time. Order status, order total, shipping and billing details, taxes, products purchased...all within seconds, anytime. No configuration required.

Last updated on February 7, 2025

Exporting your data helps you keep records organized and analyze them better for future references easily when required. However, by default, WooCommerce orders cannot be exported.

To do so, you need a plugin.

An advanced WooCommerce order export plugin helps you analyze and backup your store data, customers, sales and much more. In simple terms, your orders export file is a goldmine of insights.

In this article, you’ll learn more about how to do an advanced WooCommerce order export with Smart Manager and the use cases where these export files will be beneficial.

Why export WooCommerce orders?

The downloaded orders contain essential information such as customer name, email address, order ID, billing and shipping address, products purchased, payment methods used and more.

Exporting your WooCommerce orders provides a wealth of valuable information that can be used for various purposes:

  • Customer analysis: Identify potential customers, track buying behavior, and tailor marketing campaigns.
  • Migration: Easily transfer data to a new store platform.
  • Tax reporting: Prepare accurate tax returns and comply with regulations.
  • Data backup: Create a secure backup of your order data to prevent loss.

Hence, a backup of WooCommerce export orders CSV file is always a wise option. CSV files are the perfect tool to manage large amounts of information, easily apply filters and interpret data.

And that’s where the Smart Manager plugin comes into the picture.

Smart Manager gives you complete flexibility. You can export WooCommerce orders based on your requirements – all customer orders CSV export, orders for a particular date range and orders based on search and admin column filters.

Isn’t that an advanced order export?

How do you export WooCommerce orders to CSV using Smart Manager?

Smart Manager is not just a WooCommerce order export plugin. It goes way beyond that.

This plugin is a game-changer. It boosts your productivity by 10x while streamlining your workflow and saving you hours.

Bulk edit, inline edit, advanced search, delete, duplicate and other powerful features make it a crowd favorite.

Coming back to advanced orders export:

Export all order data to CSV

First, install and activate the Smart Manager plugin. Then go to your WordPress Admin panel.

Now click on Smart Manager and select Orders dashboard from the drop-down.

You’ll see all your orders in an Excel-like spreadsheet view. Click on the Export CSV option and you can export all your order data.

Smart Manager orders dashboard

Export based on search and date filters

Another option is to apply filters before you export orders to CSV.

For example, you want to export all refunded orders above a specific order total for a particular date range. Click on the Advanced Search toggle on the Orders dashboard. It will open up a slide-over panel.

Apply the filters and click on Search. You’ll have your desired orders.

WooCommerce export orders based on filters

Export data based on column filters

Let’s say you need only these details for the export:

  • The ID
  • Date
  • Billing First Name
  • Billing Last Name
  • Billing Email
  • Order Status
  • Order Total
  • Details and Line Items

You can enable/disable these required admin columns before exporting.

Then, select all or required records and make the export.

Note: Export CSV will only include columns that are currently enabled in the grid.

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Data fields you can export for orders

With Smart Manager, you can export 30+ data fields and also other meta (all order custom fields). Here are all the data fields most exported:

  • Date
  • Status
  • Order SubTotal
  • Order Total
  • Order Shipping Details
  • Order Currency
  • Order Shipping Tax
  • Line Items
  • Billing First Name
  • Billing Last Name
  • Billing Email
  • Payment Method
  • Shipping Method
  • Cart Discount
  • Download Permissions Granted
  • Menu Order
  • Coupons Used
  • Ping Status
  • Comment

View all the order data fields

Smart Manager: Additional features

  • Export any WordPress custom post type data, WooCommerce products, customers, coupons, users, customers and posts; using filters.
  • The plugin is compatible with top WooCommerce plugins, allowing you to export memberships, bookings, subscriptions, cost of goods and SEO field data.
  • Export your CSV file, as many times as required, anytime you want.
  • Quick export without waiting for long.
  • A limitless number of records can be exported.

Get Smart Manager plugin

Nine use cases of WooCommerce orders export

So, now that we know how Smart Manager’s export function works, let’s move on to the insights.

Getting insights would be much easier when you know how to use filters in Excel.

Not just orders, you can also get insights based on exporting coupons, products and user data.

These use cases are based on the exports done by Smart Manager and relevant actions taken, based on insights.

Get ‘country-wise refunds’

Export your orders report for a specific date range by using the Order status as ‘Refunded’ and ‘Billing/Shipping’ Country filters.

Next, find out which country contributes to maximum refunds. Based on this insight, you can plan your sales and marketing strategies for these countries.

Compare ‘free shipping’ vs ‘flat rate’ orders for revenue

For each order in this WooCommerce export order CSV file, the report notifies you about the flat rate or free shipping order.

Set up a filter to see the number of orders for free shipping and above a threshold value. Reset filter for flat rate orders. If there are more free shipping orders compared to a flat rate and that too for a small order total (threshold value), you are losing revenue.

Compare ‘payment methods’ to identify the top one

For each record exported, you’ll get to know the corresponding payment method. This can include PayPal, Stripe, Credit Card, or any other payment method.

  • For instance, you select PayPal. Note down the total revenue, refunds and other metrics you want to compare.
  • Reset the filter and do the same for Stripe, Cash on Delivery and other payment methods.
  • Then simply compare the metrics for each payment gateway. You will be able to gauge the most profitable payment gateway and one that contributes more to the refund.

This insight helps you identify the most preferred payment method of your customers on your WooCommerce site.

Compare coupon sales vs non-coupon sales

This report will show you whether your business is getting sales majorly through discounts. If so, you won’t be able to sustain sales driven by discounts. This may cause the margins to drop in the long run.

  • Export your WooCommerce orders report with the column ‘Coupons Used’.
  • Next, simply add up the total sales for orders with coupons and compare it to those orders without coupons.

This will give you a clear picture of the contribution of sales from coupons to your total sales.

Identify good customers based on ‘order total’

The more the customers spend, the more revenue you can earn by using targeted emails.

In this case, you must target customers who have spent generously on your store. Since they are easier to approach, they are more likely to purchase high-priced goods.

For example, if you export your customer’s report for the current year and their order total above $1000, and then apply the filter, you’ll get a list of the customers who spent the most in that year. Create an email, target these customers with some product benefits and you’ll find increased sales knocking at your door.

Target customers based on their ‘last order date’

Recent customers are more likely to purchase again.

Go to the Users dashboard in Smart Manager, apply filters by selecting the date range to three months, order total above $300 and then make an export. You’ll see a column of the ‘last order date’ of these customers.

Next, send a customized email and increase your chance of conversions. This is substantial during the Black Cyber season where chances of conversions are amplified. All you need is a lucrative offer that persuades the customers to purchase.

Notify vendors about ‘pending shipping’ orders

Filter your orders CSV to get information on orders for a particular date. For example, the orders that are supposed to be shipped today.

You can then send the filtered report to the respective shipping agencies regarding the same so that they handle the rest.

Search by SKU, check stock, reorder to not lose customers

This is something unique. Here’s how to do it:

  1. For example, if you have searched for a particular product with SKU FM3012. Export the data for the entire year of this product and check the orders placed for each month for this product.
  2. After applying the filter, you might observe the product orders kept increasing by 10% every month on average. Jan – 100, Feb – 110, Mar – 122 and so on.
  3. You know if this trend continues but you are low in stock, customers may shift to competitors, thereby leading to low sales. Hence, this report helps you efficiently keep track of your stock and forecast for the future.

Details on memberships, bookings, subscriptions

Smart Manager is compatible with top WooCommerce plugins which include WooCommerce Memberships, WooCommerce Bookings, WooCommerce Subscriptions and others.

So, you can easily export WooCommerce subscriptions, memberships and bookings data using all the filters – date, search and columns.

How to use this?
Imagine targeting a list of loyal customers who have been with you for the past three years. To appreciate their loyalty, you want to upgrade their membership plan based on their order total to date which can be $2000 approximately.


A business’s ultimate goal is to grow. As mentioned in the article, advanced export orders in WooCommerce and insights are essential.

We recommend using Smart Manager because it offers a detailed export for all that you need, easily and under one roof! And, you can also manage your entire WooCommerce store with ease and peace.

Get Smart Manager


How to export emails from WooCommerce orders?
You can export email addresses from WooCommerce orders using the Smart Manager plugin. The plugin allows you to export all the order information, including the customer’s email address, to a CSV file.

  1. Go to the Smart Manager dashboard and select the Orders dashboard from the drop-down menu.
  2. Make sure the Billing Email column is enabled.
  3. Select all or required records and click on the Export CSV button.

One thought on “How to Export Orders in WooCommerce (Advanced and Use Cases)

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