Feedback on Serial Key plugin dashboard

Woohoo! We are coming up with something new!

Dear Serial Key Customers,

We plan on creating a dashboard for the serial key plugin.

But before we get down to coding, we wanted to show you a mockup and have your feedback.

We believe, adding this dashboard will provide you the following benefits:

  • Better control on the serial keys
  • Easy management via multiple search filters
  • Ability to track each andย every key’sย status
  • Organised, cleaner view and lots more..

Hoping you like what we have planned. Please send us some feedback so we know you are excited about this too.

Write in your suggestions, feedback in the comments section below.

Team StoreApps


Serial Key’s Upcoming Dashboard

Serial Key Dashboard

Edit Serial Key Page


Send us your feedback via comments section below!


19 thoughts on “Feedback on Serial Key plugin dashboard

  1. Awesome!!! I have been looking for a way to manage my serial keys so this is great news. Pls finish & launch this feature ASAP

    1. Hi Olu,

      Thank you for your feedback ๐Ÿ™‚
      Will notify you once we go live with the feature.

  2. Hello I really have great expectations for the serial key plugin and I believe these changes will be very useful !!!! But I’d really like to be able to use it effectively but I could not find a way to connect the serial key plugin with my Adobe AIR application, so today I have the plugin installed where the client gets the serial number on their purchase but actually It downloads a .zip file that it can pass to anyone because I could not effect a field of inclusion of the serial in my application. If you really found a solution to this would be very good and could have many other apps for sale. Thank you and congratulations for the work.

  3. I am just glad I chose your product above the competitions cheaper one! I can now see where the money is going! This update will really give your product that something extra that no one else has: full control over your serial keys! Great work!

    1. Hi Nico,

      Thank you for sharing your feedback ๐Ÿ™‚
      Yes, this update will allow you full control over your serial keys.
      Will notify you once we go live with the feature.

  4. Serial key lists that are uploaded based on a product with the ability to upload separate Excel spreadsheet serial key lists for each product. It would be extremely helpful and an answer to our prayers if we could provide a different list of serial keys for each different product. that we need to help our client track.

    Our codes need are to be able to apply the serial key system to specific products so that our client can identify the product from the prefix of the code.

    That is the what we would consider as better control that we need. and we feel the new dashboard could facilitate these changes.

    1. Hi Leo,

      If we could provide a different list of serial keys for each different product. that we need to help our client track.

      The feature to upload different serial keys for different products is already added in Serial Key plugin from version 1.8.0.
      Have you not updated your plugin to the latest version? If not, please update.

      Here is the link to how to upload different serial keys for different product of your store : Import Different CSV Files Of Serial Keys For Different Products

      Let me know your views on the same.

  5. This looks great, I’ve been looking for this feature to view/edit uploaded serial keys for individual products. Looking forward to it!

    1. Hi Ariel,

      Thank you for sharing your views ๐Ÿ™‚
      Will notify you once we go live with the feature.

  6. Looks amazing, waiting eagerly for this. Please release ASAP ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Hi Patrick,

      Thank you for sharing your feedback. ๐Ÿ™‚
      We will notify you once we go live with the feature.

  7. When this feature will be relised? It’s not possibile to use this plugin without managing keys.

    1. We’ve already started working on this. We are expecting beta version at the end of this month (around 30th September 2017).

  8. This looks great! I can’t tell from the previews, but it would be great if I can delete a key in the dashboard as well. In case a key is uploaded in error, or there is a typo it would be helpful to ensure things can be managed fully. I can’t wait for this to launch.

    1. Hi Garrett,

      Thank you for sharing your feedback. ๐Ÿ™‚
      Yes, you will be able to delete keys from the dashboard.

  9. When the beta version will be published?

    1. Very soon.

  10. In cases where we’re importing our own serial numbers from a CSV file, we’d really love to be able to go to the product page and see a status that shows how many available serial keys remain under the Variations tab.

    1. We are thinking on adding filter for product on dashboard, so that you can filter that list by product. It’ll help you to find remaining serial key for that product there itself.

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