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Bulk Variations Manager saved us hours of work and in the end, it works perfectly for large set ups of variations for our products

We have a balloon printing website where you can choose a single ink color up to 11 ink colors to print with. You can choose 1 sided print or print on both sides as well as 12 different balloon colors you can choose from. WordPress and WooCommerce allow you to create variations but by the time we’re done the number of options for the customer to choose from, and then having the choice of 4 different size balloons we’re looking at over 2,000 variations per single product!

Finding Bulk Variations Manager has been truly the most helpful thing in building out our website. At first, we ran into issues with getting Bulk Variations Manager to create all of the different variations we needed, but working with their support staff to find my issues in my WordPress configuration, we are finally up and running! They were kind enough to do a remote session to work on our local computer where we are creating the site, found issues preventing Bulk Variations Manager from finishing and spending quite a while to find how to fix it and to run tests so our product build-outs complete successfully. We would never have been able to finish this website without this product and without their help in getting everything in my WordPress configuration set up correctly. I would give them a hug if I could. Thank you again!