FAQ for Update Variations In Cart

1. What are the requirements to use this extension?

This extension will work with any website powered with WordPress 4.9+ & WooCommerce 3.0+.

2. Does it allows updating multiple variations in cart?

Yes, it allows changing multiple variations in cart by clicking a button, unlimited times for multiple product variants.

3. Can users update product variants based on custom product attributes?


4. Is it compatible with WooCommerce Subscriptions?


5. Does the plugin show the variation description in the dropdown when changing the variation?


6. Does the plugin refresh all cart and minicart?


7. Will it work with Product Add-Ons i.e. will it allow me to edit Product Add-ons fields or any custom fields of 3rd party plugins?

No, it is not compatible with the Woocommerce Product Add-ons plugin or any other third party plugins. It only allows you to change default WooCommerce Variations as of now.

However, for the future releases of Update Variations in Cart, we are planning to provide hooks for third-party developers, so that using it they can show custom fields of their plugin.