Smart Manager Changelog

= 8.58.0 (13.03.2025) =
* New: WooCommerce 9.7.1 compatible
* New: Save and reuse Bulk Edit actions (Pro)
* New: Support for 'set to regular price and decrease by number' & 'set to regular price and decrease by %' actions using Bulk Edit for WooCommerce Products dashboard (Pro)
* New: Predefined Custom Views for 'Customers' and 'Pending for Shipping Orders' (Pro)
* Fix: 'save_post' hook doesn't trigger when updating meta or taxonomy data using Inline edit functionality
* Fix: Database error when creating products using 'Add Row' functionality in WooCommerce Products dashboard
* Fix: Advanced Search operators like 'any of', 'not any of', 'starts with', 'not starts with', 'ends with', 'not ends with', 'is not' and 'not contains' not working for WooCommerce Orders dashboard
* Fix: Incorrect record count in success message when updating 'All Items in Store' using Bulk Edit functionality in some cases (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.57.0 (20.02.2025) =
* New: WooCommerce 9.6.2 compatible
* Fix: Navigation bar height increasing when the Advanced Search checkbox is checked
* Fix: Slight delay in hiding dashboard combo box dropdown list after selection
* Fix: Inconsistent modal height when searching for the WooCommerce product 'Category' field in the Inline Edit modal
* Fix: Selected value does not persist after updating with the 'copy from field' operator in Bulk Edit functionality (Pro)
* Fix: Improved performance when loading Custom Views and Saved Advanced Search dashboards (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.56.0 (13.02.2025) =
* New: WordPress 6.7.2 compatible
* New: Search for WooCommerce Product 'Category' field in Inline edit modal
* New: Saved searches for Advanced Search and application across multiple dashboards (Pro)
* Fix: WooCommerce Product 'Category' field is not shown in hierarchical structure in Inline edit modal
* Fix: Export CSV not working for 'All items in search results - Stock Columns' when using Simple Search and Advanced Search functionalities
* Fix: Inline edit and Bulk edit not working for Custom Views dashboards (Pro)
* Update: Grid layout to fully utilize screen space
* Update: POT file

= 8.55.0 (07.02.2025) =
* New: WooCommerce 9.6.1 compatible
* New: Added 'New' and 'Manage scheduled edits' as dropdown options under Bulk Edit (Pro)
* Fix: In-app plugin update link not converting plugin back to Pro version
* Fix: Advanced Search in WooCommerce Orders dashboard not filtering WooCommerce product fields like SKU
* Fix: Validation not working for datetime fields in Inline edit
* Fix: Update failing for field values containing special characters like single quotes
* Update: Displayed 'Undo' link in Inline edit success message (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.54.0 (16.01.2025) =
* New: WooCommerce 9.5.2 compatible
* Fix: Dashboard selection not working in some cases
* Update: 10x boost in loading speed for the WooCommerce Products dashboard
* Update: 10x speed improvement for updating taxonomy fields using Inline edit and Bulk edit (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.53.0 (31.12.2024) =
* New: Compatibility with [Germanized for WooCommerce Pro]( (Pro)
* Fix: SQL vulnerability in Advanced Search functionality [Thanks to Patchstack team]
* Update: UI/UX for dashboard combo box
* Update: POT file

= 8.52.0 (19.12.2024) =
* New: WooCommerce 9.5.1 compatible
* Fix: Advanced search functionality not working for 'Featured' column on WooCommerce Products dashboard
* Fix: Advanced search functionality not working for 'Catalog Visibility' column with the 'is not' operator on WooCommerce Products dashboard
* Fix: Pricing page appears blank in some cases
* Fix: PHP fatal error when saving Access Privilege Settings from taxonomy dashboards (Pro)
* Fix: 'Restrict by users' option in Access Privilege Settings not working (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.51.0 (05.12.2024) =
* New: WooCommerce 9.4.3 compatible
* Fix: 'save_post' hook doesn't trigger when updating meta or taxonomy data
* Fix: Move to Trash not working for WooCommerce Orders dashboard
* Fix: Bulk Edit functionality not working when multiple actions are applied to the same field (Pro)
* Fix: Delete Permanently and Move to Trash not working for WooCommerce Orders, Users and taxonomy dashboards (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.50.0 (25.11.2024) =
* New: WordPress 6.7.1 compatible
* New: WooCommerce 9.4.2 compatible
* Update: UI/UX for combo boxes
* Update: POT file

= 8.49.0 (15.11.2024) =
* New: WordPress 6.7 compatible
* New: WooCommerce 9.4.1 compatible
* New: WooCommerce Product 'Slug' column in WooCommerce Import CSV suite
* Fix: Fetching hidden meta fields in the grid impacting dashboard load speed
* Fix: Broken user interface due to 'select2' library conflict with other plugins
* Fix: Column header height updated with update in row height setting
* Fix: Image in the 'Featured Image' column not respecting the row height setting
* Fix: Internationalization related warnings on WordPress v6.7
* Update: 10x speed improvement for Bulk Edit, Move to Trash & Delete Permanently functionalities (Pro)
* Update: UI/UX for combo boxes
* Update: POT file

= 8.48.0 (01.10.2024) =
* New: WooCommerce 9.3.3 compatible
* Fix: 'Post Date' column not saving when adding the record using Add Row functionality and updating using inline edit functionality
* Fix: 'Post Date' column not saving when updating using Bulk Edit functionality (Pro)
* Update: UI/UX for Advanced Search functionality
* Update: Automatically resize the display of 'Featured Image' in the WooCommerce Products dashboard to match the 'Grid Row Height' global setting
* Update: POT file

= 8.47.0 (12.09.2024) =
* New: WordPress 6.6.2 compatible
* New: WooCommerce 9.2.3 compatible
* Fix: Clicking on column headers displays modal dialogs in some cases
* Fix: Incorrect last accessed dashboard on page refresh
* Update: UI/UX for 'Public' view settings in Custom Views (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.46.1 (26.08.2024) =
* Fix: WordPress database error message when updating WooCommerce Products using inline edit functionality in WooCommerce v9.2.0+
* Update: POT file

= 8.46.0 (26.08.2024) =
* New: WooCommerce 9.2.2 compatible
* Fix: Broken access control vulnerability [Thanks to Patchstack team]
* Fix: Height for longtext data in the grid cells broken after last update
* Update: POT file

= 8.45.0 (08.08.2024) =
* Fix: Height for longtext data in the grid cells not respecting the 'Grid row height' global setting
* Fix: 'Order Subtotal' column not showing the correct value on WooCommerce Orders dashboard
* Fix: 'Order Subtotal' column not showing the correct value on WooCommerce Subscriptions dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: Date picker for the 'Schedule Later' option allowing selection of past dates (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.44.0 (02.08.2024) =
* New: WooCommerce 9.1.4 compatible
* Fix: 'copy from field' operator not working when the field data type is numeric in the Bulk Edit functionality (Pro)
* Update: Persist search conditions when switching from post type/taxonomy dashboard to task dashboard (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.43.0 (26.07.2024) =
* New: WordPress 6.6.1 compatible
* New: WooCommerce 9.1.2 compatible
* New: Manage 'Shipping Method Title' column on WooCommerce Orders dashboard
* New: Manage 'Shipping Method Title' column on WooCommerce Subscriptions dashboard (Pro)
* New: Manage 'Note For Customer' column on WooCommerce Orders dashboard (Pro)
* Update: Show warning modal for unsaved changes in inline edit functionality
* Update: POT file

= 8.42.0 (09.07.2024) =
* New: WordPress 6.5.5 compatible
* New: WooCommerce 9.0.2 compatible
* Fix: Simple search functionality not working for 'Shipping Method' column in both HPOS and non-HPOS stores on WooCommerce Orders dashboard
* Fix: Simple search functionality not working for 'Shipping Method' column in both HPOS and non-HPOS stores on WooCommerce Subscriptions dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: Field values not loading when switching to 'copy from' operator in Bulk Edit panel for non-HPOS stores on WooCommerce Orders and Subscriptions dashboards (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.41.0 (21.06.2024) =
* New: WooCommerce 9.0.1 compatible
* New: Provision to edit 'Shipping Method' column on WooCommerce Orders dashboard
* New: Provision to edit 'Shipping Method' column on WooCommerce Subscriptions dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: Inline edit functionality not working for 'Order Shipping/Shipping Total Amount' and 'Shipping Method' columns on WooCommerce Orders dashboard in both HPOS and non-HPOS stores
* Fix: Bulk Edit functionality not working for 'Order Shipping/Shipping Total Amount' and 'Shipping Method' columns on WooCommerce Orders dashboard in both HPOS and non-HPOS stores (Pro)
* Fix: Inline edit and Bulk Edit functionalities not working for 'Order Shipping/Shipping Total Amount' and 'Shipping Method' columns on WooCommerce Subscriptions dashboard in both HPOS and non-HPOS stores (Pro)
* Fix: Advanced search functionality not working for 'Shipping Method' column on WooCommerce Orders and Subscriptions dashboards in both HPOS and non-HPOS stores (Pro)
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Update: POT file

= 8.40.0 (14.06.2024) =
* New: WordPress 6.5.4 compatible
* New: WooCommerce 8.9.3 compatible
* Fix: 'Edit' column not fetched on WooCommerce Orders dashboard in HPOS stores
* Fix: 'Edit' column not fetched on WooCommerce Subscriptions dashboard in HPOS stores (Pro)
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Update: POT file

= 8.39.0 (01.06.2024) =
* New: WooCommerce 8.9.1 compatible
* Fix: PHP warnings occur and no content is displayed on the 'Go Pro' page if WooCommerce is not activated
* Fix: Array to string conversion PHP notice when loading WooCommerce Products dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: Settings button not redirecting properly on 'Docs & Support' page (Pro)
* Update: 'Author' column now displays name and email address on WooCommerce Product Stock Log or any tasks dashboard
* Update: Administrators now have the capability to manage and undo tasks performed by any user directly from the WooCommerce Product Stock Log or tasks dashboard
* Update: POT file

= 8.38.0 (10.05.2024) =
* New: WordPress 6.5.3 compatible
* New: WooCommerce 8.8.3 compatible
* Fix: Product type updated incorrectly, when updating 'Backorders' column on WooCommerce Products dashboard using inline edit functionality
* Fix: PHP warning when loading WooCommerce Products dashboard
* Fix: Record values not updated in some cases when using Bulk Edit functionality in background (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.37.0 (18.04.2024) =
* New: WordPress 6.5.2 compatible
* New: WooCommerce 8.8.2 compatible
* New: Compatibility with [Legal Pages](
* Fix: PHP warning when loading WooCommerce Products dashboard
* Fix: Using 'increase by/decrease by' Bulk Edit operators setting value to '0' for WooCommerce Products 'Regular price' & 'Sale price' fields having empty values (Pro)
* Fix: Using 'increase by/decrease by' Bulk Edit operators setting value to '0' for any numeric fields having empty values (Pro)
* Update: Replace '' links with ''
* Update: POT file

= 8.36.0 (05.04.2024) =
* New: WordPress 6.5 compatible
* Fix: 'Featured' column not detected in 'Column Manager' on WooCommerce Products dashboard
* Fix: PHP 8.1.27 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string when clicking on 'Load More Products' button on WooCommerce Products dashboard
* Fix: Advanced Search not filtering null value for date fields on WooCommerce Subscriptions dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: PHP warning when fetching all accessible views for current user (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.35.0 (22.03.2024) =
* New: WooCommerce 8.7.0 compatible
* Fix: Dashboard not loading due to 'select2' library conflict with other plugins
* Update: Integrated product specific low stock threshold value in 'Stock' column color-coding on WooCommerce Products dashboard (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.34.0 (15.03.2024) =
* Fix: Advanced Search functionality displays variations of products whose parents are not published for 'Post Status' column in WooCommerce Products dashboard
* Update: POT file

= 8.33.0 (08.03.2024) =
* Fix: 'Attributes' column values doesn't render properly in Bulk edit panel for WooCommerce Products dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: Simple Search not searching 'Billing Email' field properly in WooCommerce Orders dashboard
* Fix: Custom post statuses not visible in the 'Post Status' column on the dashboard for any post type
* Fix: Advanced Search query returning cached results
* Update: POT file

= 8.32.0 (01.03.2024) =
* New: WooCommerce 8.6.1 compatible
* Fix: Column tooltip not getting updated after enabling/disabling using show/hide columns
* Fix: 'increase by/decrease by' operators for date fields not working properly in Bulk edit functionality (Pro)
* Fix: Undo functionality not working properly for date/datetime fields (Pro)
* Fix: HTML tags in the 'Description' and 'Additional Description' fields within the exported CSV causing issues during CSV import (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.31.0 (19.02.2024) =
* New: WooCommerce 8.6.0 compatible
* New: Access Privilege Settings - give controlled access to individual users in addition to user roles (Pro)
* Fix: Data not loading for WooCommerce Subscriptions 'Date' fields like 'Schedule End', 'Schedule Next Payment', etc. (Pro)
* Fix: Inline edit, Bulk edit & previous value not getting updated for WooCommerce Subscriptions 'Date' fields like 'Schedule End', 'Schedule Next Payment', etc. (Pro)
* Fix: PHP fatal error when updating 'Attributes' field data using Bulk edit on WooCommerce Products dashboard
* Fix: PHP warning when loading 'Attributes' field data on WooCommerce Products dashboard
* Update: Improved Access Privilege settings UI/UX (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.30.0 (02.02.2024) =
* New: WooCommerce 8.5.2 compatible
* New: WordPress 6.4.3 compatible
* Fix: WooCommerce Products 'Stock Status' column doesn't update automatically with changes in the 'Backorders' column
* Fix: Duplicate values in the 'Product categories', and 'Exclude categories' WooCommerce Coupons restrictions fields when updating using Bulk edit
* Update: POT file

= 8.29.0 (25.01.2024) =
* New: WooCommerce 8.5.1 compatible
* Fix: Sort functionality not working for 'Users' dashboard custom columns like 'Orders Count', 'Orders Total', 'Last Order Total', 'Last Order Date'
* Fix: Show/Hide columns functionality not working in Chrome browser due to permissions policy violation error
* Update: POT file

= 8.28.0 (12.01.2024) =
* Fix: Security vulnerability - SQL Injection vulnerability (Thanks to Ivan Spiridonov)
* Fix: PHP Warning when switching dashboards
* Update: POT file

= 8.27.0 (21.12.2023) =
* Fix: 'Line Items' column not duplicating when using 'Duplicate Records' functionality in WooCommerce Orders dashboard on non-HPOS stores (Pro)
* Fix: 'Duplicate Records' functionality not working in WooCommerce Orders dashboard on HPOS stores (Pro)
* Fix: Modal dialog not getting displayed in some cases
* Update: POT file

= 8.26.0 (14.12.2023) =
* New: WooCommerce 8.4.0 compatible
* Fix: Duplicate functionality not working for some of the fields in WooCommerce Products dashboard (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.25.1 (11.12.2023) =
* Fix: Advanced Search functionality not working for taxonomy fields after last update
* Update: POT file

= 8.25.0 (08.12.2023) =
* New: WooCommerce 8.3.1 compatible
* New: WordPress 6.4.2 compatible
* Fix: Empty data for 'Attributes' and 'Product Type' fields in WooCommerce Products dashboard
* Fix: Notification message showing incorrect record counts when using 'Entire Store' option for non-background processes (Pro)
* Fix: Schedule For Later feature not working for some operators in Bulk Edit functionality (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.24.0 (01.12.2023) =
* New: WooCommerce 8.3.0 compatible
* New: Schedule Bulk Edit (Pro)
* Fix: Update not working for 'Product categories' and 'Exclude product categories' columns in Coupons dashboard
* Update: POT file

= 8.23.0 (16.11.2023) =
* Fix: Minor fixes
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Update: POT file

= 8.22.0 (09.11.2023) =
* New: WooCommerce 8.2.2 compatible
* New: WordPress 6.4.1 compatible
* New: Support for delete media when any post type record is deleted and if the media is linked with only that post type record (Pro)
* Fix: 'copy from field' operator not working properly for 'Sale Price' and 'Regular Price' fields in Bulk Edit functionality for WooCommerce Products dashboard (Pro)
* Update: Code improvements related to Export CSV of stock related data columns for WooCommerce Products
* Update: Added comments for translations
* Update: POT file

= 8.21.0 (03.11.2023) =
* New: Export CSV of stock related data columns for WooCommerce Products
* Fix: Category field not working properly in Bulk Edit for WooCommerce Products (Pro)
* Update: Improvements to 'set to regular price' and 'set to sale price' Bulk Edit actions for WooCommerce Products (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.20.0 (27.10.2023) =
* New: WooCommerce 8.2.1 compatible
* Fix: Switching from custom views dashboards updating column state for related post type dashboards (Pro)
* Update: Replaced 'Add Attribute' and 'Remove attribute' with 'Attributes' field for WooCommerce Products in Bulk Edit functionality (Pro)
* Update: Added 'copy from' option for 'Attributes' in Bulk Edit for WooCommerce Products (Pro)
* Update: Readme file changes
* Update: POT file

= 8.19.0 (13.10.2023) =
* New: WooCommerce 8.2.0 compatible
* New: WordPress 6.3.2 compatible
* Fix: Dashboard combo box CSS related issues
* Fix: Advanced search operators like 'starts with', 'ends with', etc. not working for 'Tasks' and WooCommerce Product Stock Log dashboard (Pro)
* Update: Added support for Sorting and Advanced search for some of the product specific columns in WooCommerce Product Stock Log dashboard
* Update: Code improvements related to Product Stock Log dashboard and success notification for non-background process of 'Bulk Edit', 'Duplicate Records' and 'Delete Records' functionalities (Pro)
* Update: Improvements for 5-star feedback link and content in plugin meta on the plugin page
* Update: POT file

= 8.18.0 (29.09.2023) =
* New: Added Stock Log dashboard for WooCommerce Products
* Fix: Stock status, Sale Price and Catalog Visibility columns won't update properly using inline edit functionality in WooCommerce Products dashboard (Lite)
* Fix: 'Delete Records' functionality causing issues with large number of records (Pro)
* Update: Updated 'Action Scheduler' library (Pro)
* Update: Speed improvements for 'Bulk Edit', 'Duplicate Records' and 'Delete Records' functionalities (Pro)
* Update: Success notification for non-background process of 'Bulk Edit', 'Duplicate Records' and 'Delete Records' functionalities (Pro)
* Update: Code improvements related to mapping for [Affiliate For WooCommerce]( fields in Users dashboard (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.17.0 (22.09.2023) =
* New: WooCommerce 8.1.1 compatible
* Fix: WooCommerce Products dashboard fails to load data in some cases
* Fix: Confirm dialog won't close after successful deletion of records for any dashboards (Lite)
* Fix: Custom views based on 'WooCommerce Products' post type fails to load data in some cases (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.16.0 (15.09.2023) =
* New: WooCommerce 8.1.0 compatible
* New: Added compatibility support for [Affiliate For WooCommerce]( (Pro)
* Fix: WooCommerce Orders 'Delete' functionality not working for non-HPOS stores
* Fix: Duplicated records added to grid after updating value for any paginated records using inline edit
* Fix: Unable to save edited records after successful inline edit
* Fix: Duplicated records added to grid after updating value for any paginated records using bulk edit (Pro)
* Update: Support for managing taxonomy fields in Users dashboard (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.15.0 (07.09.2023) =
* Fix: Adding multiple custom attributes using inline edit not working properly in WooCommerce Products dashboard
* Fix: WooCommerce Orders dashboard 'Print Invoice' functionality not working for all / all filtered records (Pro)
* Update: Exclude internal Smart Manager state management meta keys (like 'sa_sm_%') from loading in Users dashboard (Pro)
* Update: Code improvements for WooCommerce Orders dashboard 'Print Invoice' functionality (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.14.0 (01.09.2023) =
* New: WooCommerce 8.0.3 compatible
* New: WordPress 6.3.1 compatible
* Fix: Duplicate dashboard names for some of the post types/taxonomies
* Fix: Handling for blocking search functionality in Custom Views (only for ones created with search conditions) created for 'WooCommerce Orders' or any 'Taxonomy' dashboards (Pro)
* Fix: Display notices when editing 'Simple Search' text for Custom Views (only for ones created with search conditions) (Pro)
* Fix: Display notices when trying to switch between 'Advanced Search' and 'Simple Search' for Custom Views (only for ones created with search conditions) (Pro)
* Fix: Empty 'Quantity' column in printed WooCommerce Order invoices (Pro)
* Fix: Inline edit functionality not working for 'Product categories' and 'Exclude product categories' columns in Coupons dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: Data for 'Product categories' and 'Exclude product categories' columns are not fetching correctly in Coupons dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: Background process notification message displaying for 'Export CSV' functionality in case of any background process running (Pro)
* Update: Additional links in plugin page for '5-star' and 'Go Pro' (in case of lite version installed)
* Update: Proper group titles for dashboard combo box
* Update: POT file

= 8.13.0 (21.08.2023) =
* New: Declare Smart Manager compatible with High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)
* New: WooCommerce 8.0.2 compatible
* New: WordPress 6.3.0 compatible
* New: WooCommerce Subscriptions 5.4.0 compatible
* Fix: 'General Settings' and 'Docs' Icons 'on Focus' CSS issue
* Fix: Advanced search with 'is not' operator not giving correct results for WooCommerce Products 'Attributes' field
* Fix: WooCommerce Products 'Sale Price' field getting set to '0' when updating using Bulk Edit (Pro)
* Fix: Undo functionality not working in some cases (Pro)
* Fix: Bulk Edit and other functionalities not working properly for dashboards like WooCommerce Orders, Coupons, etc. (Pro)
* Fix: Delete all tasks functionality not working in some cases (Pro)
* Fix: Bulk Edit and Delete functionalities not working properly for WooCommerce Subscriptions in some cases (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.12.0 (15.07.2023) =
* New: Exporting categories or other taxonomies in a properly formatted manner that is compatible with the WooCommerce Product Import CSV suite (Pro)
* Fix: In certain cases, the grid becomes blank when attempting to sort using any taxonomy columns
* Fix: Extra space added after comma in exported CSV when using comma as decimal separator for numeric columns (Pro)
* Dev: Added 'sm_decimal_separator_for_export' filter for customizing decimal separator in Export CSV for numeric columns (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 8.11.0 (07.07.2023) =
* New: Setting for enabling/disabling date picker for date/datetime columns
* Fix: WooCommerce product variations title not displaying attribute list when data is sorted in the grid
* Fix: 'Date', 'DateTime' and 'Time' columns showing incorrect placeholder when using inline edit in some cases
* Fix: 'Export CSV' not working in Safari browser (Pro)
* Fix: Update the dashboard state for custom views only when the columns are shown/hidden by the view's author. (Pro)
* Fix: Functionalities like 'Bulk Edit', 'Export CSV', etc. do not consider the filtered results when switching between simple and advanced search. (Pro)
* Update: Replace the option 'Entire Store' with 'All items in search result' for the 'Export CSV', 'Duplicate Records', and 'Delete Records' functionalities when filtered data is present. (Pro) 
* Update: POT file

= 8.10.0 (22.06.2023) =
* New: Tooltip for column headers
* New: Compatibility with [Customer Email Verification](
* Fix: Import CSV functionality not working in some cases
* Fix: Settings menu not clickable in some cases
* Fix: Progress modal getting hidden immediately when trying to use Undo or Delete Tasks functionality (Pro)
* Update: UI/UX improvements
* Update: POT file

= 8.9.0 (17.06.2023) =
* New: Dedicated & improved settings UI
* Fix: Dashboard refreshing to first page when inline editing Product Gallery Images on non-first Pages
* Fix: Unable to edit Product Gallery Images when editing after saving changes
* Update: POT file

= 8.8.0 (09.06.2023) =
* New: Import CSV functionality for WooCommerce Products
* New: Show Smart Manager button in WordPress Admin Bar
* Fix: Dashboard not loading in some cases due to 'sprintf already defined' JavaScript error
* Fix: Progress modal getting hidden immediately when trying to use Bulk Edit, Duplicate Records & Delete Records functionality (Pro)
* Fix: State management & other minor improvements for 'Tasks' dashboards (Pro)
* Update: Hidden option setting for controlling display of 'Manage with Smart Manager' button on post type dashboards
* Update: POT file

= 8.7.0 (02.06.2023) =
* Fix: WooCommerce Products 'Sale price dates from' & 'Sale price dates to' fields not saving timestamp in UTC timezone when using Inline edit
* Fix: WooCommerce Products 'Sale price dates from' & 'Sale price dates to' fields not saving timestamp in UTC timezone when using Bulk edit (Pro)
* Fix: Advanced Search not working for 'timestamp' type columns like 'Sale price dates from', 'Sale price dates to', etc.
* Fix: Display notices when editing 'Advanced Search' conditions for Custom Views (only for ones created with search conditions) (Pro)
* Fix: Do not update state when switching from 'Custom Views' dashboard (Pro)
* Update: Display dashboard count in each group in dashboard combo-box
* Update: POT file

= 8.6.0 (25.05.2023) =
* New: WordPress 6.2.2 compatible
* Fix: Inline edit functionality not working in Firefox browser
* Fix: Modals and Notifications not appearing in some cases in Firefox browser
* Fix: Column sorted arrow icon not visible in cases when column name is long
* Fix: Few of the JavaScript files loading more than once on dashboard load
* Fix: Incorrect version for enqueued JavaScript & CSS files
* Fix: JavaScript errors in console in some cases when using any plugin functionality
* Update: POT file

= 8.5.0 (18.05.2023) =
* New: WordPress 6.2.1 compatible
* New: Option 'sm_use_number_field_for_numeric_cols' to enable/disable usage of HTML number input field for numeric columns in the grid
* New: Keyboard shortcuts for buttons in all functionalities (like advanced search, bulk edit, etc.) using modal dialogs (Pro)
* Update: UI/UX improvements
* Update: POT file

= 8.4.0 (11.05.2023) =
* New: 'any of' and 'not any of' advanced search operators for text fields (Pro)
* New: Option 'sm_update_trash_records' to consider or not consider 'Trash' records when updating 'Entire Store' using Bulk Edit/Duplicate Records/Delete Records functionality (Pro)
* Fix: PHP Warnings when updating some of the WooCommerce Product fields using Bulk Edit (Pro) 
* Update: UI/UX improvements
* Update: POT file

= 8.3.0 (04.05.2023) =
* New: Rename column headers (Pro)
* Fix: Inline edit not working in some cases on non-first pages post saving
* Fix: Notification messages not showing in some cases
* Fix: Dashboard refreshing to first page when bulk editing records on non-first pages (Pro)
* Update: UI/UX improvements
* Update: POT file

= 8.2.0 (27.04.2023) =
* New: HTML number field editor for numeric fields
* New: Option 'sm_show_tasks_title_modal' to show or hide the 'Tasks Title Modal' when performing inline/bulk edits (Pro)
* Fix: PHP 8.2 Warnings: Creation of dynamic properties is deprecated
* Update: 'WP editor' for 'Product short description' and 'Post excerpt' fields
* Update: UI/UX improvements
* Update: POT file

= 8.1.0 (20.04.2023) =
* Fix: PHP 8.2 Warnings: Creation of dynamic properties is deprecated
* Fix: Dashboard total record count incorrectly updated when inline editing records on non-first pages
* Fix: Last field from Advanced Custom Fields plugin not displaying for WooCommerce Orders dashboard (Pro)
* Update: UI/UX improvements
* Update: POT file

= 8.0.0 (11.04.2023) =
* New: WordPress 6.2 compatible
* New: Undo Changes done by Inline or Bulk Edit functionalities (Pro)
* New: Export CSV of selected records (Pro)
* New: Compatibility with [TutorLMS]( (Pro)
* Fix: 'Edit URL' breaking when exporting using Export CSV functionality (Pro) 
* Fix: Minor fixes
* Update: Advanced search UI improvements
* Update: POT file

= 7.4.0 (23.12.2022) =
* New: Hide all admin notices from Smart Manager page except notices triggered from Smart Manager plugin
* Fix: Sorting not working when advanced search is enabled in Users dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: 'User Registered' field not showing in advanced search in Users dashboard (Pro)
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Update: StoreApps Upgrade file Improvements (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 7.3.0 (15.12.2022) =
* New: WordPress 6.1.1 compatible
* New: Compatibility with 'Product Labels and Sticker' plugin
* Fix: Advanced search 'ANDing' operation within same rule group not returning correct results
* Fix: Inline edit of WooCommerce Products 'Sale price dates to' field not saving correct timestamp
* Fix: Bulk edit of WooCommerce Products 'Sale price dates to' field not saving correct timestamp (Pro)
* Fix: Custom views not rendering properly when created from dashboard having advanced search conditions (Pro)
* Fix: WordPress database error when deactivating the plugin in some cases
* Fix: Minor fixes
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Update: POT file

= 7.2.0 (10.11.2022) =
* New: WordPress 6.1.0 compatible
* Fix: Images not getting attached to post type like WooCommerce Products, Posts, Pages, etc. when setting new uploaded images in Featured or Gallery images
* Fix: Delete image functionality not working for newly uploaded images in WooCommerce Products Gallery Images
* Fix: Inline edit for WooCommerce Product Attributes not working in some cases
* Fix: Search controls not getting reset on dashboard switch
* Fix: Sorting not working properly for WooCommerce Products Featured column
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Update: POT file

= 7.1.0 (27.10.2022) =
* Fix: Export CSV functionality not working after v7.0.0
* Fix: Product Gallery Images data not getting exported when using Export CSV for WooCommerce Products dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: Bulk Edit not working for all items in search result for taxonomy dashboards (Pro)
* Fix: Sorting not giving proper results when sorting using numeric columns in Users dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: PHP warnings on taxonomy dashboard load in some cases
* Update: By default sorting records in descending order for taxonomy dashboards (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 7.0.1 (21.10.2022) =
* Fix: Advanced search for some of the taxonomy columns not working properly after last update
* Fix: Sorting for 'Product type' in WooCommerce Products dashboard not working after last update
* Fix: Users dashboard not showing data after last update (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 7.0.0 (19.10.2022) =
* New: View & manage any Custom Taxonomies (Pro)
* New: WooCommerce 7.0.0 compatible
* New: WordPress 6.0.3 compatible
* Fix: PHP 8.1 Warning: Implicit conversion from float {number} to int loses precision
* Fix: Extra spacing in dashboard selector on the Smart Manager page
* Fix: 'Load more' not working for Users dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: Some minor fixes
* Update: Always load StoreApps Connector's latest version
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Update: POT file

= 6.7.0 (06.10.2022) =
* New: Compatibility with WooCommerce v6.9.4
* New: 'Product SKU' and 'Product title' advanced search fields for WooCommerce Orders dashboard (Pro)
* New: 'Coupons used' and 'Shipping method' advanced search fields for WooCommerce Orders dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: WooCommerce Product Attribute editing not getting added using inline edit when using [Variation Swatches for WooCommerce]( plugin
* Fix: Some minor fixes
* Update: Improved advanced search functionality framework
* Update: Readme file changes
* Update: POT file

= 6.6.0 (02.09.2022) =
* New: Compatibility with WordPress v6.0.2 & WooCommerce v6.8.2
* New: Compatibility with [WooCommerce Subscriptions]( v4.5.1 (Pro)
* New: Compatibility with [Orderable]( (Pro)
* New: Compatibility with [GiveWP]( (Pro)
* Fix: Access Privilege settings getting deleted when trying to update 'Company logo' using non-administrator WordPress user role (Pro)
* Fix: WooCommerce Product Attribute editing not working when using [Variation Swatches for WooCommerce]( plugin
* Fix: Stock alert emails not getting triggered when updating stock for WooCommerce Product Variations
* Fix: Inline edit for Categories not working in case of nested categories
* Fix: Some minor fixes
* Update: Improved Access Privilege settings UI/UX
* Update: POT file

= 6.5.0 (10.08.2022) =
* New: Compatibility with WooCommerce v6.8.0
* New: 'starts with' and 'not starts with' advanced search operators for text fields (Pro)
* New: 'ends with' and 'not ends with' advanced search operators for text fields (Pro)
* Fix: Some minor fixes
* Update: POT file

= 6.4.0 (01.08.2022) =
* Fix: Missing translations for some strings
* Fix: Height of modal dialogs taking entire page height in some cases
* Fix: 'Table not exists' error when trying to use custom views functionality in some cases (Pro)
* Fix: Some minor fixes
* Update: Disable 'autoload' for few options
* Update: POT file

= 6.3.0 (22.07.2022) =
* New: Compatibility with WordPress v6.0.1 & WooCommerce v6.7.0
* New: Inline edit WooCommerce Product Gallery Images in Lite version
* New: Display image thumbnails for WooCommerce Product Gallery Images
* Fix: Inline edit modal dialog broken UI for PHP serialized fields
* Fix: PHP Warning: Undefined array key "data"
* Fix: PHP Fatal error: Cannot declare class Smart_Manager_Pro_Background_Updater (Pro)
* Fix: Advanced search not working for the numeric fields like 'User id' in Users dashboard (Pro) 
* Fix: Some minor fixes
* Update: POT file

= 6.2.0 (08.07.2022) =
* New: Compatibility with WooCommerce v6.6.1
* New: Search for records using 'Featured Image' id
* New: Search WooCommerce Products using 'Gallery' images id (Pro)
* New: Filters to disable 'Move to Trash' and 'Delete Permanently' functionality from any dashboard
* Fix: New row added in the grid when copying values using excel-like drag fill
* Fix: 'Cancel' button for 'Add Row' dialog not working
* Fix: WooCommerce transactional emails not triggering when updating order status using inline edit
* Fix: WooCommerce transactional emails not triggering when updating order status using bulk edit (Pro)
* Fix: WooCommerce Product meta fields not saving when updating along with 'Stock' field using inline edit
* Fix: 'Show Variations' state not maintained for WooCommerce Products
* Fix: Values not persisting for any multi-select field like WooCommerce Products using inline edit
* Fix: Some minor fixes
* Update: POT file

= 6.1.1 (03.06.2022) =
* Fix: Custom views functionality not working properly after last update (Pro)
* Update: POT file

= 6.1.0 (03.06.2022) =
* New: Compatibility with WordPress v6.0.0 & WooCommerce v6.5.1
* New: Modal dialogs
* New: Compatibility with [Decimal Product Quantity for WooCommerce]( and other such plugins
* New: Compatibility with [WooCommerce Product Stock Alert](
* Fix: 'Used for variations' option not showing when editing WooCommerce Product Attributes using inline edit
* Fix: WooCommerce Product Attributes filtering not working on frontend when updating attribute values via Smart Manager
* Fix: Meta fields not saved when editing them during add record via Smart Manager
* Fix: Some minor fixes
* Update: POT file

= 6.0.0 (21.05.2022) =
* New: Improved UI/UX
* New: Notification messages
* New: Option for resetting column state to default state
* New: Option 'sm_grid_row_height' to manage the 'height' of the rows in the Smart Manager grid
* New: Improved compatibility with [LifterLMS]( (Pro)
* Fix: 'Product SKU' not updated when prepending with '0' in inline edit functionality for WooCommerce Products dashboard
* Fix: Enabling viewing of 'Trash' records causing issues with color codes for statuses in WooCommerce Orders and WooCommerce Subscriptions (Pro) dashboards
* Fix: 'Discount type' column editing not working for WooCommerce Coupons and LifterLMS Coupons (Pro) dashboards
* Fix: 'Copy from' and 'Copy from field' Bulk Edit actions not working for Users dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: Incorrect data type for 'Nickname' column in Users dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: Delete records functionality is not blocked when any background process is running (Pro)
* Fix: Some minor fixes
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Update: POT file

= 5.41.0 (22.04.2022) =
* New: View 'Trash' records for any post type
* New: 'Copy from field' action in Bulk Edit to copy a value from any other field for any record (Pro)
* Fix: WP Media library not showing when trying to Bulk Edit WooCommerce Products 'Product Image Gallery' field (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.40.0 (15.04.2022) =
* New: WordPress v5.9.3 compatible
* Fix: Field and Action data column names missing in email sent after completion of any background process (Pro)
* Fix: Sorting by 'Featured' column in WooCommerce Products dashboard not working
* Fix: PHP warning when loading Coupons dashboard and deleting records (Pro)
* Fix: PHP warning when bulk editing empty 'Regular price' & 'Sale price' for WooCommerce Products dashboard (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.39.0 (31.03.2022) =
* New: WordPress v5.9.2 compatible
* Update: Updated 'Action Scheduler' library (Pro)
* Fix: Fatal error when running Bulk Edit or Duplicate Records functionality in background for any non WooCommerce dashboards (Pro) 
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.38.0 (21.03.2022) =
* New: Support for JavaScript string translations
* New: WooCommerce v6.3.1 compatible
* New: Translation files for Italian (Thanks to Giacomo Mazzullo)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.37.0 (04.03.2022) =
* New: WordPress v5.9.1 compatible & WooCommerce v6.2.1 compatible
* Fix: Smart Manager incorrectly detects user capabilities (Thanks to Algis)
* Fix: Issues in dashboard loading when removing access for user role (Pro)
* Fix: Dashboard data not getting loaded for any user role when giving access only to custom view (Pro)
* Fix: 'Public' access setting for custom views not getting rendered properly (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.36.0 (21.02.2022) =
* Update: Allow adding/removing columns to/from custom views (Pro)
* Fix: Custom views name not getting updated (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.35.0 (09.02.2022) =
* New: WooCommerce v6.2.0 compatible
* New: Allow users to increase/decrease date, datetime & time field by durations of days, weeks, months, years, hours & minutes (Pro)
* New: ‘set time to’ action for ‘time’ fields
* Fix: Timestamp fields getting 0 value when clearing date using date picker in inline edit
* Fix: Bulk Edit placeholder for value field not getting cleared after switching actions (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.34.0 (28.01.2022) =
* New: WordPress v5.9 compatible
* New: Compatibility with [WooCommerce Dropshipping]( (Pro)
* Update: Improvements related to overriding Order Print Invoice template (WooCommerce)
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.33.0 (21.01.2022) =
* New: WordPress v5.8.3 compatible & WooCommerce v6.1.1 compatible
* New: Compatibility with [LifterLMS]( (Pro)
* New: Compatibility with [ShopEngine]( (Pro)
* Fix: Declaring a required parameter after an optional one is deprecated (PHP8) (Thanks to Tobias Larsen)
* Fix: Advanced Search returning incorrect results when searching using Product Category
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.32.0 (24.12.2021) =
* New: WooCommerce v6.0.0 compatible
* New: Translation files for Russian (Thanks to Almaz Mannanov)
* Fix: Media ordering not maintaining when adding images to 'Product Gallery Images' field for WooCommerce Products
* Update: Display placeholder image for 'image' type columns in grid
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.31.0 (18.11.2021) =
* Update: StoreApps Upgrade file Improvements (Pro)
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.30.0 (12.11.2021) =
* New: WordPress v5.8.2 compatible & WooCommerce v5.9.0 compatible
* Fix: Adding new users using Smart Manager not working (Pro)
* Fix: Adding new users not triggering 'new user' notification email (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.29.0 (22.10.2021) =
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.28.0 (16.10.2021) =
* New: WooCommerce v5.8.0 compatible
* New: Added option `sm_wp_force_collapse_admin_menu` to enable/disable collapsing of WordPress Admin Menu when on Smart Manager page.
* Fix: Unable to edit 'status' for product variations to enable/disable the same using inline edit
* Update: UI Improvements
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.27.0 (01.10.2021) =
* Fix: Unable to edit attribute values for product variations using inline edit in case of sorted data in grid
* Fix: Fields not getting disabled for product variations in some cases
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.26.0 (24.09.2021) =
* New: WooCommerce v5.7.1 compatible
* Update: Show attribute values for when inline editing attribute values at product variation level
* Update: Show attribute values for when bulk editing attribute values at product variation level (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.25.0 (18.09.2021) =
* New: WordPress v5.8.1 compatible
* Update: Allow editing for 'date' & 'datetime' fields by typing dates in addition to selecting using Datepicker
* Update: Enabled advanced search for searching attribute values at product variation level
* Update: Enabled bulk editing of attribute values at product variation level (Pro)
* Fix: Inline edit for 'Product attributes' field not working properly in some cases 
* Fix: Incorrect value placeholder for 'set time to' action in Bulk Edit (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.24.0 (03.09.2021) =
* Fix: Able to set regular price as '0' even when the sale price is set using inline edit
* Fix: Able to set sale price greater than regular price using bulk edit (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.23.0 (27.08.2021) =
* New: Compatibility with [Germanized for WooCommerce]( (Pro)
* Fix: Inline edit not saving all changes when trying to update more than one meta fields like 'Regular Price' & 'Stock' in some cases
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.22.0 (21.08.2021) =
* New: WordPress v5.8.0 compatible & WooCommerce v5.6.0 compatible
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Fix: Fatal error when accessing 'Users' dashboard in Smart Manager grid in some cases
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.21.0 (30.07.2021) =
* Update: Compatibility with latest version of WooCommerce (v5.5.2)
* Fix: Advanced search for 'Product Visibility' is 'Hidden' returning incorrect results
* Fix: Advanced search for 'Product Visibility' is not 'Hidden' returning incorrect results
* Fix: 'Edit Link' & 'View Link' column not shown in grid in some cases
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.20.0 (16.07.2021) =
* Update: Compatibility with latest version of WooCommerce (v5.5.1)
* Fix: Product Taxonomies not getting unlinked from 'terms' table when editing using 'Inline Edit' functionality
* Fix: PHP Warnings generated in some cases when accessing Smart Manager dashboard
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.19.1 (05.07.2021) =
* Fix: 'ID' column not visible in Smart Manager grid after update to v5.19.0
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.19.0 (03.07.2021) =
* New: Support for color codes for 'Stock' field with support for WooCommerce 'Low stock threshold' for Products
* Fix: Removing attributes using Inline Edit functionality not working properly for Products dashboard
* Fix: Custom meta fields with special characters in the field name causing issues
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.18.0 (28.06.2021) =
* New: Compatibility with [Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)]( (Pro)
* Update: Improvements in handling for image fields
* Fix: Unable to Bulk Edit or Inline Edit Featured Images for Posts
* Fix: Some meta fields not pulling data in Smart Manager grid
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.17.0 (18.06.2021) =
* Update: Compatibility with latest versions of WooCommerce (v5.4.1)
* Fix: Bulk Edit, Duplicate Records & Delete Records functionality not getting applied to all selected records in some cases (Pro)
* Fix: Bulk Edit, Duplicate Records & Delete Records functionality not getting applied to all post-type records in store when column header checkbox is checked (Pro)
* Fix: Duplicate Product functionality not working in multi-site environment (Pro)
* Fix: Bulk Edit for PHP serialized fields like 'Default Attributes' updating incorrect values (Pro)
* Fix: Incorrect actions for PHP serialized fields like 'Default Attributes' in Bulk Edit side panel (Pro)
* Fix: Incorrect number of arguments supplied to 'woocommerce_update_product' action triggered on Product Bulk Edit (Pro)
* Fix: Products dashboard failing to load due to some javascript errors
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.16.0 (01.06.2021) =
* Update: Display comma-separated list of taxonomy titles for custom taxonomies like Product Categories, Product Tags, etc. in Products dashboard
* Fix: Products dashboard not loading when special characters in custom taxonomy fields
* Fix: Table does not exist error when deactivating the plugin
* Fix: 'Unable to create or change a table without a primary key, when the system variable 'sql_require_primary_key' is set' error when using Advanced Search functionality in some cases
* Fix: Searching for '0' value in numeric fields like Regular Price, Sale Price, etc. returning incorrect results
* Fix: Dashboard not re-loading after saving inline-edit changes
* Fix: PHP Warnings generated in some cases when using Export CSV functionality (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.15.0 (21.05.2021) =
* Update: UI improvements related to Bulk Edit (Pro) & Advanced Search functionality
* Fix: Dashboard resets to initial view on saving inline edit changes
* Fix: Row Selection not persistent post saving of any edited rows
* Fix: Scroll position gets reset to top post saving of any edited rows
* Fix: HTML markup in the 'Name' field in the export CSV for 'Products' dashboard (Pro) 
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.14.0 (15.05.2021) =
* Update: Compatibility with latest versions of WordPress (v5.7.2) & WooCommerce (v5.3.0)
* Update: StoreApps Upgrade file Improvements (Pro)
* Update: 'Add to' & 'Remove from' actions for any custom taxonomies in Bulk Edit (Pro)
* Fix: Bulk Edit breaking in case of some custom taxonomies like Product Tag, etc. (Pro)
* Fix: Date selector not getting removed after selecting any non-date field type in Bulk Edit (Pro)
* Fix: Advanced Search not showing proper values for custom taxonomies like Product Tag, etc.
* Fix: Date Selector not getting shown for date & datetime fields in Advance Search
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.13.0 (07.05.2021) =
* Update: UI improvements
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Fix: Fixes related to advanced search functionality for taxonomy fields like categories
* Fix: 'Add to' & 'Remove from' actions missing in Bulk Edit for taxonomy fields like categories (Pro)
* Fix: 'Parent Categories' fields missing in Bulk Edit functionality (Pro)
* Fix: Disabling WP auto update for plugin (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.12.0 (30.04.2021) =
* Fix: Unable to search using 'Product Categories' using advanced search functionality
* Fix: Advanced Search functionality for 'Product Shipping Class' not working
* Fix: Advanced Search functionality for 'Product Attributes' showing incorrect operators
* Fix: Bulk Edit functionality for 'Product Shipping Class' not working (Pro)
* Fix: Unable to search using 'User Role' using advanced search functionality (Pro)
* Fix: Unable to inline edit 'WP Capabilities' column in Users dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: PHP warnings related to Users dashboard (Pro)
* Fix: Javascript errors in some cases when accessing Bulk Edit functionality (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.11.0 (26.04.2021) =
* New: WordPress v5.7.1 compatible & WooCommerce v5.2.2 compatible
* Update: UI improvements for Advanced Search functionality
* Update: Improved UI for Smart Manager Bulk Edit functionality (Pro)
* Update: Improvements related to the handling of updating 'All items in search result' when using Bulk Edit (Pro)
* Fix: Bulk Edit Background notice continued to show even after process completion in some cases (Pro)
* Fix: 'User Role' column in Users dashboard displaying incorrect data (Pro)
* Fix: In-App pricing page URL not working in some cases
* Dev: Added 'smart_manager_post_format_columns' custom JQuery trigger to modify formatting of columns
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.10.0 (09.04.2021) =
* Update: Added date selector for date fields in Advanced Search
* Fix: Sorting using numeric meta columns not returning proper results
* Fix: Sorting not working in multi-site environment
* Fix: PHP warnings related to product attributes
* Fix: Removed deprecated WooCommerce 'get_product_from_item' function for WooCommerce greater than v4.4
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.9.0 (18.03.2021) =
* New: WordPress 5.7 & WooCommerce 5.1.0 compatible
* Fix: Empty results in dashboard when sorting by any taxonomy columns
* Fix: Sorting by 'Product Type' column returning incorrect results
* Fix: Search for 'Enabled/Disabled' product variations using 'Status' column in Advanced Search not working
* Fix: Unable to search using 'Default Attributes' using Advanced Search
* Fix: Unable to Bulk Edit 'Default Attributes' field (Pro)
* Fix: UI fixes for Setting page fields
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.8.0 (06.03.2021) =
* Fix: Column width changes remaining persistent even on dashboard switch
* Fix: Column width changes not getting maintained for all dashboards in some cases
* Fix: Export CSV failing in case of large data (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.7.0 (26.02.2021) =
* New: WordPress v5.6.2 compatible
* Fix: Variable Parent Products not getting displayed in some advanced search results
* Fix: Default sort not getting applied in advanced search results in some cases
* Fix: PHP warnings when using the Bulk Edit functionality in some cases (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.6.0 (18.02.2021) =
* New: WooCommerce v5.0.0 compatible
* Update: Display number of records loaded in addition to the total number of records
* Fix: Data not getting displayed as per the column sorting in the dashboard
* Fix: Sorting not getting saved in custom views (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.5.0 (05.02.2021) =
* New: WordPress v5.6.1 compatible
* Fix: Blank value in advanced search for numeric columns not returning 'null' values
* Fix: 'Custom Views' functionality not working in some cases
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.4.0 (29.01.2021) =
* New: WooCommerce 4.9.2 compatible
* Fix: 'Product Category' inline edit not working
* Fix: 'Product Category' not getting set to blank using inline edit
* Fix: Unable to use 'Custom Views' functionality in some cases (Pro)
* Fix: In-app plugin update notice not getting displayed in some cases
* Fix: 'Sorting arrow indicator' not displayed on column header when loading Smart Manager
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.3.0 (15.01.2021) =
* New: Improved UI for advanced search functionality
* New: WooCommerce 4.9.0 compatible
* Update: Avoid clearing search when switching between simple & advanced search
* Update: Change column name of 'Excerpt' column to 'Customer provided note' in Orders dashboard
* Fix: Advanced search functionality not working
* Fix: Fix vulnerability code reported by Jetpack scan
* Fix: Dashboard appears blank in some cases
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.2.0 (10.12.2020) =
* New: WordPress 5.6 & WooCommerce 4.8.0 compatible
* Update: Alphabetically sorted list of multi-select custom taxonomies like Product Category, Product Tags, etc. while inline editing the same
* Fix: Bulk Edit / Batch Update not working when trying to update the entire search result (Pro)
* Fix: 'Billing Postcode' & 'Shipping Postcode' only accepting numeric values for Orders & Subscriptions dashboard
* Fix: Advanced search using null or blank values not returning proper results if the meta is not present
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.1.0 (21.11.2020) =
* New: WooCommerce 4.7.0 compatible
* Update: StoreApps Connector
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 5.0.1 (07.11.2020) =
* Fix: DB Upgrade not running in some cases

= 5.0.0 (07.11.2020) =
* New: Create/Update/Delete 'Custom Views' just like 'Custom Views in Excel' (Pro)
* New: Ability to give access to only specific custom views to non-admin users in addition to specific dashboards (Pro)
* New: Predefined Custom Views - Product Stock & Product Price List (Pro)
* New: Quickly jump to last 3 accessed dashboards or views (Pro)
* Improved: Managing dashboard states in 'usermeta' instead of 'options'
* Improved: Removed some unused code and reduced the plugin zip file from 2.7 MB to 1.7 MB
* Update: Compatibility with the latest version of WooCommerce
* Fix: Unable to set or remove product as 'Featured Product' using bulk edit (Pro)
* Fix: Unable to set or remove product as 'Featured Product' using in-line edit
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.6.1 (28.10.2020) =
* Update: WooCommerce v4.6.1 compatible
* Fix: Created and Modified date & date GMT columns not appearing in advanced search
* Fix: Advanced search columns not refreshing on dashboard change
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.6.0 (17.10.2020) =
* Update: Improved UI for Smart Manager dashboard 
* Update: Compatibility with the latest version of WooCommerce
* Fix: 'Sale Price' not getting reflected on-site when saving using Smart Manager
* Fix: UI fixes for Smart Manager Settings page (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.5.0 (09.10.2020) =
* Update: Improved UI for Smart Manager dashboard
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.4.6 (03.10.2020) =
* Fix: Search not working on network sites
* Fix: Unable to search or change image attributes in WP media dialog when updating product gallery images 
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.4.5 (25.09.2020) =
* Fix: Show/Hide Columns not refreshing the grid
* Fix: Sorting using meta columns not rendering proper results
* Fix: Search for numeric columns and search value as 0 not working properly
* Fix: Unable to save '0' value for numeric columns using inline edit
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.4.4 (19.09.2020) =
* Update: Compatibility with latest version of WooCommerce
* Fix: 'show variations' state not getting maintained
* Fix: Product variations getting displayed even when 'show variations is unchecked'
* Fix: Dashboard showing data even in case of no search results found
* Fix: Search results not maintained when clicking on 'show variations'
* Fix: Order & Subscription status KPI's getting duplicated in some cases
* Fix: Order & Subscription KPI's not getting refreshed in case of no search results
* Update: Filter to disable 'delete permanently' functionality for all dashboards
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.4.3 (11.09.2020) =
* Update: Compatibility with latest versions of WordPress & WooCommerce
* Fix: 'sale price start date' & 'sale price end date' WooCommerce Product fields not saving values as per site timezone
* Fix: 'Add Attribute' & 'Remove Attribute' functionality not available in batch update (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.4.2 (21.08.2020) =
* Fix: Delete Records Button not working
* Fix: Duplicate Records Button not working (Pro)
* Fix: 'Load More' button not getting displayed in post search in the dashboards
* Fix: Dashboard not loading due to 'select2' library conflict with other plugins
* Update: Name for the 'Nicename' in the Users dashboard changed to 'Nickname'
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.4.1 (14.08.2020) =
* New: 'Manage with Smart Manager' link from all post type dashboards
* Update: Tested with latest versions of WordPress & WooCommerce
* Fix: Search & Advanced Search functionality not working for any dashboards
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.4.0 (10.08.2020) =
* Update: Performance optimization & Improvements in Dashboard loading speed
* Update: Replaced infinite scrolling with load more for all dashboards
* Update: Show/Hide Id column for every dashboard
* Update: Improvements related to 'copy from' action in the batch update functionality (Pro)
* Fix: Performance lag when selecting records in the grid
* Fix: Unable to select dashboards in the 'Access Privilege Settings' for different user roles (Pro) 
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.3.18 (18.07.2020) =
* Update: Feature to stop a Batch Update/Duplicate Records/Delete Records process (Pro)
* Update: Feature to auto-stop a running process when the Batch Update/Duplicate Records/Delete Records process gets stuck (Pro)
* Fix: Batch Update for numeric fields not working in some cases (Pro)
* Fix: Batch Update, Duplicate Records & Delete Records functionality giving issues in multisite environment (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.3.17 (10.07.2020) =
* Update: Tested with latest versions of WooCommerce (v4.3+)
* Fix: Batch update for Product Attributes not working (Pro)
* Fix: Export CSV not exporting products in case of large database (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.3.16 (26.06.2020) =
* Fix: Inline edit of product 'sale price' with 'sale price from' & 'sale price to' dates not working
* Fix: Export CSV of Orders not exporting the product variation attributes in order line items (Pro)
* Fix: Export CSV of Subscriptions not exporting the product variation attributes in subscription line items (Pro)
* Fix: Batch Update of product 'sale price' with 'sale price from' & 'sale price to' dates not working (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.3.15 (20.06.2020) =
* Fix: 'Copy from' batch update action not working for product 'featured image' field (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.3.14 (12.06.2020) =
* Fix: 'Coupon Amount', 'Coupon Usage Count' displayed as blank in Coupons dashboard
* Fix: '{Field} == 0' advanced search condition not returning proper results in case of numeric fields
* Fix: Incorrect update options in case of 'yes/no' type fields in batch update functionality (Pro)
* Fix: JS error on Smart Manager page unload in some cases
* Update: Tested with latest version of WordPress (v5.4.2)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.3.13 (06.06.2020) =
* Update: Updated 'Action Scheduler' library (Pro)
* Update: Tested with latest versions of WordPress & WooCommerce(v4.2+)
* Fix: Fixes related to batch update functionality (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.3.12 (28.05.2020) =
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.3.11 (08.05.2020) =
* Update: Tested with latest versions of WordPress & WooCommerce(v4.1)
* Update: StoreApps Upgrade file Improvements
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Fix: Column chooser dialog not displaying properly due to CSS conflict with other plugins
* Fix: Users dashboard showing no users in WordPress Multi-site environment (Pro)
* Fix: Users dashboard showing no users when sorted by some columns (Pro)
* Fix: PHP warnings
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.3.10 (27.03.2020) =
* New: Added functionality to permanently delete selected records / all records for any post type (Pro)
* Fix: Product stock not getting set to 0 using batch update functionality (Pro) (WooCommerce)
* Fix: PHP warnings
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.3.9 (21.03.2020) =
* Fix: Issue related to product sale price not getting reflected on frontend after updating using Smart Manager (WooCommerce)
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Fix: PHP warnings
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.3.8 (11.03.2020) =
* Update: Compatibility with latest version of WooCommerce(v4.0)
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Fix: PHP warnings
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.3.7 (28.02.2020) =
* Update: Added validation for handling phone numbers 
* Fix: Blank search not working for numeric columns using advanced search
* Fix: Date filters not getting maintained after column show/hide
* Fix: Unable to edit 'regular price' in products dashboard due to thousand separator (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Orders dashboard not loading in some cases (WooCommerce)
* Fix: PHP warnings
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.3.6 (21.02.2020) =
* Fix: Sorting by any taxonomy columns making the grid blank
* Fix: Sorting for 'price/sale price' fields not working properly (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Batch Update for taxonomy columns not working (Pro)
* Fix: Batch Update 'copy from' functionality now copying all the values (Pro)
* Fix: Order line item quantity not getting displayed in 'Print Invoice' generated using Smart Manager (Pro)
* Fix: Product Attribute Batch Update not working for WooCommerce v3.9+ (Pro)
* Fix: PHP warnings
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.3.5 (07.02.2020) =
* Fix: Smart Manager grid very slow loading in infinite scroll
* Fix: Attribute inline edit dialog UI improvements (WooCommerce)
* Fix: PHP warnings
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.3.4 (01.02.2020) =
* New: View & Export Product or any post type Edit URL
* Update: Tested with latest versions of WordPress & WooCommerce
* Fix: Background Process is_running check slowing down the site in some cases (Pro)
* Fix: Advanced search unable to add 'OR' condition
* Fix: Products dashboard not showing any products when sorting with any taxonomy columns in the grid (WooCommerce) 
* Fix: Products dashboard not showing any products when WooCommerce Multilingual plugin is active (WooCommerce) 
* Fix: Decimal part appearing in product stock field (WooCommerce) 
* Fix: PHP warnings
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.3.3 (20.01.2020) =
* Fix: Product Categories not getting updated using the batch update functionality (WooCommerce) (Pro)
* Fix: Variations getting deleted when updating stock for variation parent in some cases (WooCommerce) (Pro)
* Fix: 'Delete All' functionality not working (Pro)
* Fix: 'Duplicate Entire Store' functionality not working (Pro)
* Fix: DatePicker not setting the date on select in some cases
* Update: Set the default time to '00:00:00' instead of current time when selecting date in datepicker
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.3.2 (10.01.2020) =
* Fix: Batch delete getting stuck
* Fix: Some columns showing as '#bad-value#'in some cases
* Fix: Top bar not getting displayed in some cases
* Fix: PHP warnings
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.3.1 (23.12.2019) =
* Update: Tested with latest versions of WordPress & WooCommerce
* Fix: 'Product Featured' column showing '#bad-value#' in some cases in Products Dashboard (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Inline edit for the 'checkbox' fields not working in some cases
* Fix: Data not getting rendered in some 'checkbox' fields in some cases
* Fix: Smart Manager top bar not loading in some cases due to javascript error
* Fix: Some of the 'postmeta' columns not getting detected in Smart Manager grid
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.3 (13.11.2019) =
* New: Compatibility with [WooCommerce Smart Coupons]( (Pro)
* Update: Compatibility with WooCommerce Coupons
* Update: Compatibility with latest versions of WordPress & WooCommerce(v3.8)
* Fix: Sort for numeric fields not working
* Fix: Advanced search operators for numeric fields like Product 'Regular Price', 'Sale Price' not displaying proper
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.26 (05.11.2019) =
* Fix: Infinite Scroll of the grid going into an infinite loop in some cases
* Fix: Column sort not getting maintained after grid refresh
* Fix: Column sort icon not getting displayed on the column header in some cases
* Fix: Grid going blank when sorting using any meta column of the dashboard
* Fix: Blank conditions in advanced search not giving proper results for any multi-list taxonomies like Product Attribute, Category, etc.
* Fix: 'is not' conditions in advanced search not giving proper results for any multi-list taxonomies like Product Attribute, Category, etc.
* Fix: 'Weight' column not getting displayed in the product's dashboard (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Products dashboard taking too long to load data in the grid in case variation attributes missing (WooCommerce)
* Update: Display column full name in the tooltip of the column header in the grid
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.25 (29.10.2019) =
* Fix: Added option to skip the deactivation survey
* Fix: Deactivation survey not getting triggered in some cases
* Update: Updated the plugin display name to 'Smart Manager for WooCommerce'
* Update: Added new custom filter 'sm_show_sa_plugins_page' for handling the display of the StoreApps plugins page
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.24 (25.10.2019) =
* Update: Added support for 'add_to' & 'remove_to' options in batch update for all multi-select taxonomies like 'Product Tag', 'Rank Math Meta Robots', etc.
* Fix: DatePicker not working properly while inline editing 'Date' fields
* Fix: 'Product Type' and such other taxonomies not getting saved and displayed in the grid in some cases
* Fix: Product Attribute inline edit not working when trying to edit any product in the search result (WooCommerce)
* Fix: UI related tweaks for in-line editing of 'Product Gallery Images'
* Fix: '#bad-value#' in some checkbox fields which do not exist for the particular record
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.23 (19.10.2019) =
* New: Support for in-line updating 'Product Gallery Images' using media library (Pro)
* Fix: Some custom fields related to [Yoast SEO]( & [WordPress SEO Plugin – Rank Math]( not appearing in the grid
* Fix: 'ID' column getting hidden on show/hide any columns in the grid
* Fix: 'product_ids' column in WooCommerce Coupons Dashboard not accepting mutiple product ids (WooCommerce)
* Update: UI changes related to row size
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.22 (11.10.2019) =
* Update: Optimized and improved dashboard load times for WooCommerce Orders, Subscriptions & Users dashboards
* Fix: Some of the records not displaying when sorted using any meta key columns
* Fix: Loading spinner displaying for every update in progress-bar for duplicate records and delete records functionality
* Fix: Infinite Scroll not working in some cases
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.21 (27.09.2019) =
* Update: Added support for WooCommerce decimal places & decimal separator for product price and sale price fields (WooCommerce)
* Update: UI/UX responsive related changes for all screen layouts
* Fix: Batch Update, Duplicate Records & Batch Delete not working in multi site environment (Pro)
* Fix: Incorrect detection of data type for some of the postmeta fields
* Fix: Unable to in-line edit more than 1 record at a time after first successful updation (Lite)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= (04.09.2019) =
* Fix: Infinite Scroll not working for 'Products' dashboard in some cases (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Batch Update, Duplicate Records & Delete All functionalities not working in some cases (Pro)
* Fix: Settings link not working from Smart Manager grid
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.20 (29.08.2019) =
* Update: Fixed row height for all rows in the grid irrespective of data
* Update: UI Improvements
* Fix: Smart Manager grid not taking the full page height in some cases
* Fix: All meta fields getting displayed as blank on updating any field using Smart Manager
* Fix: Infinite Scroll not loading data in some cases
* Fix: Access Privilege settings not displaying even after getting saved
* Fix: Orders & Subscription Status Count KPI's not getting refreshed on search (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Incorrect total number of product total count on products dashboard (WooCommerce)
* Fix: 'Show Variations' state not getting maintained for products dashboard (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Inline editing for 'Product Attributes' not working when no attributes set for the product (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Blank image getting displayed on hover when the featured image is not set for the product (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Javascript errors in some cases causing the Smart Manager to not work properly
* Fix: PHP warnings
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= (23.08.2019) =
* Fix: Batch Update progress notice staying for an indefinite time and unable to use batch update (Pro)
* Fix: PHP warnings
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.19 (20.08.2019) =
* Update: Improved Batch Update functionality by using 'Action Scheduler' library (Pro)
* Update: Pricing page related changes
* Update: Added default select value for 'Field' select box in batch update (Pro)
* Update: StoreApps Upgrade file Improvements
* Fix: Select boxes in the batch update not working properly on adding multiple rows (Pro)
* Fix: Settings link not working from the welcome page
* Fix: Javascript error on Smart Manager grid load in some cases
* Fix: Smart Manager Pro getting converted to Lite (Pro)
* Fix: PHP warnings
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.18 (06.08.2019) =
* Fix: Smart Manager Access Privilege functionality not working (Pro)
* Fix: Smart Manager Settings page accessible by non-administrator user roles (Pro)
* Fix: 'Order Sub Total' ignoring decimal part and displaying incorrectly in WooCommerce Orders & Subscriptions Dashboards
* Fix: Some of the strings in Smart Manager grid could not be translated
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.17 (01.08.2019) =
* New: Compatibility with [Yoast SEO]( (Pro)
* New: Compatibility with [WordPress SEO Plugin – Rank Math]( (Pro)
* Fix: PHP Warnings when accessing the users dashboard
* Fix: Javascript errors casing no records to load in Smart Manager grid
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.16 (26.07.2019) =
* New: Compatibility with [WooCommerce Subscriptions]( (Pro)
* New: Compatibility with [WooCommerce Cost of Goods]( (Pro)
* New: Support for 'set to regular price' & 'set to sale price' option using Batch Update for products dashboard (WooCommerce) (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.15 (23.07.2019) =
* New: New column 'Order Sub Total' added to Orders Dashboard & CSV export (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Smart Manager dashboard column mapping not getting refreshed on addition of new data like categories, attributes, etc.
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.14 (18.07.2019) =
* New: Compatibility with [Min/Max Quantities]( (Pro)
* New: Compatibility with [Min and Max Quantity for WooCommerce]( (Pro)
* New: Compatibility with [Woocommerce Minimum and Maximum Quantity]( (Pro)
* New: Search and Replace any string for any field using batch update functionality (Pro)
* Fix: WooCommerce Variations not getting shown ever after checking 'Show Variations' checkbox (Pro)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.13 (16.07.2019) =
* Fix: Delete All Records in the store functionality not working
* Fix: Duplicate All records in search result duplicating all records in the store
* Fix: Delete functionality not working for 'Users' dashboard
* Fix: Search functionality not working in 'WP Media Library' when accessed from batch update functionality
* Fix: Delete icon remaining disabled after first successful deletion
* Fix: Access Privilege Settings not rendering properly
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.12 (12.07.2019) =
* New: Access Privileges - give controlled access to non-Admin users for each of the dashboards in Smart Manager
* Fix: Settings link not working (Smart Manager Old)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.11 (10.07.2019) =
* New: Compatibility with [WooCommerce Product Add-Ons]( (Pro)
* Update: Rendering of checkbox having zero or one as value is reversed, which will not affect previous data
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.10 (28.06.2019) =
* New: Compatibility with [WooCommerce Bookings]( (Pro)
* New: Compatibility with [WooCommerce Memberships]( (Pro)
* Fix: Column Position not getting maintained after enabling/disabling using show/hide columns
* Fix: Sort functionality now working properly due to a plugin conflict
* Fix: Loader not hiding after show/hide columns
* Fix: CSS Fixes
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.9 (19.06.2019) =
* New: Orders & Subscription Status Count KPI's for Orders & Subscriptions Dashboards (WooCommerce)
* Update: Manage any post type that is not publicly_queryable like 'Scheduled Actions'
* Update: UI updates
* Fix: Inline Edit & Batch Update not working for 'Catalog Visibility' field for products dashboard (WooCommerce)
* Fix: 'Product Visibility' values not getting rendered for products dashboard (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Inline Editing for Serialized field not working if the same is an empty object 
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.8 (15.06.2019) =
* New: Support for searching Enabled/Disabled columns in 'show/hide columns' functionality
* Fix: Batch Update running the previous set of sucessful batch update actions on the selected products
* Fix: Infinite scroll not working for any of the dashboards in the grid
* Fix: '.extend' of undefined javascript error on grid load in some cases
* Fix: Line Items not displaying some of the product meta fields in Orders/Subscriptions CSV Export (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Image Overview not displaying the product title in case of Product Variations (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Javascript error on editing Products Attributes in some cases (WooCommerce)
* New: Improved UI
* Update: StoreApps Upgrade file Improvements
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.7 (12.06.2019) =
* New: Support for Color Codes for status fields like Post Status, Product Stock Status, WooCommerce Order Status and many more
* New: Image Overview for image type fields in the grid
* New: Option for entering Distraction Free Mode in Smart Manager
* Update: Add any number of records to the grid for any post type at once
* Update: Improved the size of the Product Thumbnail Image or an image field in the grid
* Fix: Not getting redirected to Smart Manager Welcome Page on the activation
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.6 (07.06.2019) =
* New: Order Line Items, Shipping Method & Coupon Used fields in Subscriptions Dashboard and Subscriptions Export CSV
* Fix: Sort Functionality not working for the Users dashboard
* Fix: Users dashboard not displaying records by default in descending order
* Fix: Export CSV not exporting columns that are enabled to the dashboard using the 'show/hide columns' functionality
* Update: UI Updates to the Notification Dialogs
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.5 (05.06.2019) =
* Fix: Batch Update functionality 'All items in store' option updating all the records in the store in case of search results
* Fix: Batch Update button remaining disabled after first batch update
* Fix: Data getting swapped after adding any column to the grid
* Fix: Unable to show/hide 'Products Attribute' column in the grid (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Product Featured Image getting set to blank on inline edit (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Product Attribute inline editing not working in some cases (WooCommerce)
* Update: 'sm_beta_pro_batch_order_invoice_template' new filter for overriding Order Print Invoice template (WooCommerce)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.4 (01.06.2019) =
* New: Support for copy any field from any record using Batch Update
* Update: Added Video Tutorials on Welcome page
* Update: Support for Add, Delete & Sort for the individual keys in the Serialized data inline editing
* Fix: Product not appearing in search result after updating some fields
* Fix: Last column not viewable in the grid even after enabling the same
* Fix: All columns getting disabled on first access to dashboards in some cases
* Fix: Column state not getting maintained for individual dashboards in some cases
* Fix: Grid not loading the last dashboard accessed on refresh
* Fix: Position for some of the columns getting reversed for some dashboards
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.3 (18.05.2019) =
* New: Improved UI for top bar icons
* New: WooCommerce 3.6+ compatible
* Fix: Variations not getting displayed in advanced search results
* Fix: Sorting by numeric fields not working
* Fix: Search using Product Attributes not working (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Products Variation Title not showing properly for the first record of the search result in some cases (WooCommerce)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.2 (09.05.2019) =
* Fix: Column state not getting maintained for all dashboards
* Fix: Data in the grid not loading if some of the records have some data missing
* Fix: Product Attributes not getting loaded in the grid (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Simple Search using product name, product SKU, coupon code, shipping title, user email not working in Orders & Subscriptions dashboard (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Print invoice icon not showing on Orders Dashboard in some cases (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Records getting updated via Batch Update even if data type validation fails (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Dashboards failing to load in some cases & optimized the performance
* Fix: Inline edit of users fields not getting saved
* Fix: PHP Warnings on dashboard load
* Fix: JavaScript errors on grid load and dashboard change in some cases
* Fix: '#bad-value#' in some checkbox fields which do not exist for the particular record
* Fix: Coupons Dashboard not loading properly in Pro version (WooCommerce)
* Fix: 'Zero' values getting fetched as empty in grid
* Fix: '0' or '0.00' getting displayed as empty for numeric fields in the grid
* Tweak: CSS for top right icons
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.1 (29.04.2019) =
* Fix: Taxonomy columns (like Product Tag, etc.) not displaying in show/hide columns dialog in some cases
* Fix: Grid data not refreshing whenever a new column is added to the grid
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.2.0 (25.04.2019) =
* New: Dedicated page for Docs & Support
* New: Pricing page
* Fix: Advanced search not working when a zero value is searched in meta
* Fix: Unable to edit any multiselect taxonomies like 'Product Tag' 
* Fix: 'Back to Smart Manager' link not working when on Smart Manager Settings page
* Fix: WooCOmmerce Product title not displaying properly and getting stripped off in some cases
* Update: Removed FAQ's & Support links from Smart Manager Dashboard
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.1.9 (20.04.2019) =
* Fix: Some fields showing as '#bad-value#'
* Fix: Loader not getting hidden on Smart Manager load
* Fix: Memory leak issues on Smart Manager dashboard load
* Fix: Warnings related to numeric operations on string fields
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.1.8 (18.04.2019) =
* Fix: Records getting updated via Inline Edit even if data type validation fails
* Fix: Sorting on more than one page causing continuous increase in data in the dashboard
* Fix: Products Variation Title not showing properly in some cases
* Fix: Selection and edited data getting lost on infinite scrolling
* Fix: Advanced Search not working for 'wp_posts' columns for any post type except Products
* Fix: PHP preg_replace related warnings
* Fix: Welcome page CSS
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.1.7 (12.04.2019) =
* Update: Add a loader on the grid for any request
* Update: Welcome page
* Fix: Show Variations checkbox not visible
* Fix: Date Filtering not working in combination with other advanced search filters
* Fix: Date Filtering not working for WordPress setups having modified DB prefix 
* Fix: Attribute values not getting loaded in Batch Update on selection of Attribute
* Fix: Numeric operators not coming for numeric fields in advanced search
* Fix: Smart Manager menu position conflicting with some plugins 
* Fix: Empty notification dialogs coming in some cases
* Fix: Dialog Title not coming proper for any dialogs
* Localization: Translations updated with POT file
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.1.6 (26.03.2019) =
* Update: New In App Offer (Lite)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.1.5 (22.03.2019) =
* New: View/Edit link for each of the records for each post type
* Update: Support for simple search functionality for searching records in orders & subscriptions using product name, product SKU, coupon code, shipping title, user email
* Fix: Simple Search using 'Post Status' not working in some cases
* Fix: Javascript error when switching from simple to advanced search
* Fix: PHP error of invalid string passed to 'DateTime' constructor
* Fix: Coupon Type not getting edited properly
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.1.4 (19.03.2019) =
* Update: Support for date picker search, inline & batch edit for Unix Timestamp meta fields
* Fix: Advanced Search box UI breaking when adding more than one condition
* Fix: Advanced Search not loading due to JS error in some cases
* Fix: Subscription status not getting rendered and updated
* Fix: Some DateTime fields not getting datepicker for inline & batch edit
* Fix: Datepicker not getting loaded in search & inline edit (Lite)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.1.3 (15.03.2019) =
* Update: Advanced Search for DateTime fields
* Update: Support for clearing 'Created Date' date filter
* Fix: 'Created Date' date filtering not returning proper results
* Fix: Advanced search for any boolean field not working
* Fix: Filtering not persistant on infinte scroll
* Fix: 'Duplicate Records' functionality not working in some cases
* Fix: 'Delete' Records for selected items not working when selecting all visible rows in the dashboard
* Fix: Unable to enable/disable columns using 'Column Manager' in some cases
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.1.2 (12.03.2019) =
* Fix: Inline editing of Attributes & Categories not working in Products Dashboard
* Fix: Batch Update of Attributes & Categories not working in Products Dashboard
* Fix: Product Attributes not showing in the grid in some cases
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.1.1 (08.03.2019) =
* New: Sort Functionality on the entire database of records
* Fix: Postmeta fields for first row coming as blank for all dashboards
* Fix: User role not getting displayed and edited in Users Dashboard
* Update: Change column name of 'Name' column to 'Slug' in Products dashboard
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.1.0 (05.03.2019) =
* New: Improved UI
* New: Simple Search Functionality
* Update: Better Handling of Complex data fields
* Update: Improved Data type detection of custom fields
* Update: Optimized data fetching for all dasboards
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.0.6 (21.02.2019) =
* Update: Option to update only 'Date' or 'Time' for 'DateTime' fields using batch update
* Update: Support for batch update 'Product Featured Image' (WooCommerce)
* Update: Support for custom 'Post' and 'Page' statuses
* Update: Logic for automatic detection of 'Date' and 'DateTime' fields
* Update: Support for custom values for 'Product Visibility', 'Product Stock Status', 'Product Tax Status', 'Product Backorder Options' fields (WooCommerce)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Add New Records not working and getting saved
* Fix: Inline edit of 'LongText' fields using wp.editor not working
* Fix: Subscription Statuses incorrect incorrect options in inline editing
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.0.5 (07.02.2019) =
* Fix: Inline edit for all meta fields not working in some cases
* Fix: Column state getting reset to default after batch update
* Fix: 'Product Catalog Visibility' not getting updated using batch update (WooCommerce)
* Fix: 'Product Stock Status' not getting updated on update of stock using Smart Manager (WooCommerce)
* Fix: 'Product Variable Parent' price not getting synced on upddate of price/sale price of any of its variations (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Export CSV exporting all results instead of only filtered records in case of smart date filter
* Fix: Print Invoices printing all orders instead of only filtered orders in case of smart date filter
* Fix: Datepicker for date & datetime fields not working properly in batch update
* Fix: Export CSV getting stalled in case of exporting huge data
* Fix: Conflict with 'Types Layout' plugin
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.0.4 (19.01.2019) =
* Fix: Inline edit changes not getting saved for 'Product Attributes' in some cases
* Fix: Inline edit dialog not closing while editing 'Product Attributes'
* Fix: Data not loading for 'Product Attributes' in grid
* Fix: Cannot search for 'Scheduled' post status using advanced search functionality
* Fix: Column positions switching after show/hide columns
* Fix: Multiple 'ANDing' and 'ORing' not working in some cases using advanced search functionality
* Fix: Serialized data type changes not getting saved
* Fix: Batch Update for 'Datetime' and 'Date' data types not working
* Fix: Blank values not getting saved using Batch Update functionality
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.0.3 (21.12.2018) =
* Update: View & Export Product Shop Url
* Fix: Advanced Search on custom taxonomies not working
* Fix: Inline edit on custom taxonomies not working properly
* Fix: Inline editing for complex fields not working
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.0.2 (05.12.2018) =
* New: Export CSV only visible columns in the grid
* Update: Load data for only visible columns to reduce data load size
* Fix: Delete Records functionality not working
* Fix: Search not working in some cases after column show/hide in dashboard
* Fix: Column position not getting saved in the state
* Fix: Records not loading in the dashboard on clear search
* Fix: Sorting by any postmeta data columns not working
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.0.1 (23.11.2018) =
* Fix: Inline edit limited to ony 3 records in some cases (Pro)
* Fix: Advanced Search not working in some cases
* Fix: Headers not coming in Export CSV in some cases
* Fix: Product image url not coming proper in Export CSV
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 4.0.0 (22.11.2018) =
* New: Launch of new Revamped Smart Manager, Beta is finally live.
* New: Product's featured image column for WooCommerce
* New: Inline set/update product's featured image in WooCommerce
* Update: Order Line Items, Shipping Method & Coupon Used fields in Dashboard and Orders Export CSV
* Update: Better Handling of simple serialized fields
* Fix: Advanced Search related fixes
* Fix: Fixes related to inline editing of 'boolean' datatype not working in some cases
* Fix: PHP Notice: Undefined index 0
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 3.23.0 (06.11.2018) =
* New: Print Invoices for orders (Beta)
* New: Automatic access to Smart Manager Beta for non-Admin users in WordPress based on the user roles and capabilities (Beta)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 3.22.0 (30.10.2018) =
* New: Smart Date Filtering for all post types (Beta)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 3.21.0 (24.10.2018) =
* New: Added Export CSV functionality (Beta)
* New: Added Duplicate Record & Duplicate Store functionality (Beta)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 3.20.0 (08.10.2018) =
* New: Users Dashboard consisting of all WordPress users along with WooCommerce customers (Beta)
* Update: Updated translation files for French (Thanks to Sandra Boulou)
* Update: Added 'contains' & 'not contains' search operators in advanced search (Beta)
* Update: StoreApps Connector improvements 
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Advanced search columns not appearing properly in some cases (Beta)
* Fix: Batch update not working for entire store for all custom post types (Beta)
* Fix: Batch update not working for products dashboard in some cases (Beta)
* Fix: Products dashboard not loading in some cases due to unhandled complex meta fields (WooCommerce)

= 3.19.1 (21.08.2018) =
* Fix: Product Title not getting synced for variations when the product title of the variation parent is updated (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Upload/Edit image not working in batch update (WPML Translation Management) (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Column state not getting saved in some cases (Beta)
* Fix: Batch Update not working in some cases (Beta)
* Fix: Some minor fixes
* Update: POT file

= 3.19.0 (12.06.2018) =
* New: Batch Update for WooCommerce Product Attributes & Categories (Beta)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: Column layout not maintaining state on refresh (Beta)
* Fix: Multiple batch update not working (Beta)
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 3.18.0 (24.05.2018) =
* Update: StoreApps Connector improvements
* Update: Tested with latest versions of WordPress & WooCommerce(v3.4.0)
* Update: POT file
* Fix: 'Shipping Country Code' field getting updated to blank on inline update using batch update (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Columns not appearing in batch update in case of filtered results (Beta)
* Fix: 'Post Date' not getting updated using batch update (Beta)
* Fix: 'Price' field not getting updated when updating 'Regular Price' or 'Sale Price' using batch update (Beta)
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 3.17.0 (02.04.2018) =
* New: Added Batch Update functionality (Beta)
* New: Improvement in data type handling (Beta)
* Update: Added Shipping State and Shipping Country Code in Orders CSV export (WooCommerce)
* Update: StoreApps Connector improvements
* Update: Compatibility with latest versions of WordPress & WooCommerce
* Fix: Product variation title not getting diaplyed when variation attributes contain special characters
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 3.16.1 (12.02.2018) =
* Fix: PHP Notice:  Undefined index: _sale_price

= 3.16.0 (24.01.2018) =
* New: Added WooCommerce version check meta
* Update: StoreApps Connector improvements
* Update: Compatibility with latest versions of WordPress & WooCommerce
* Fix: Inventory not getting set to 0 (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Products sale price 'From & To' dates not getting saved as per site timezone (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Attributes Batch Update for Entire Store not working (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 3.15.0 (15.12.2017) =
* Fix: Advanced Search 'Category is not' condition not working (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Negative values not getting updated using inline editing in Products dashboard (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Variation parent products price and sales price not visible in Smart Manager in some cases (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 3.14.0 (22.11.2017) =
* Update: StoreApps Connector improvements
* Update: Compatibility with latest versions of WordPress & WooCommerce
* Fix: Increase by percentage & decrease by percentage batch update options not working
* Fix: Advanced Search not working in some cases (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 3.13.0 (26.09.2017) =
* Update: Option to handle number of records per call (Beta)
* Fix: Print invoices not working properly for some of the orders (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Product attributes & Custom taxonomies search not working (Beta)
* Fix: Product variations not getting displayed when searching for custom taxonomies (Beta)
* Fix: Postmeta and taxnomies not getting displayed for 'Orders' and 'Posts' dashboard (Beta)
* Fix: State Management related fixes (Beta)
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 3.12.0 (28.08.2017) =
* New: Storing the state of Smart Manager (Beta) into the database - enabling same view from anywhere (Beta)
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 3.11.1 (21.08.2017) =
* Fix: No products showing in the products dashboard in some cases since v3.11.0 (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Custom attributes not getting updated (Beta)
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 3.11.0 (16.08.2017) =
* Fix: Order totals not getting displayed properly in invoices printed using Smart Manager (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Variations getting displayed for orphaned variations (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Advanced search not working in other dashboards except products (Beta)
* Fix: Advanced search not working in some cases for price and sales price fields (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 3.10.0 (10.07.2017) =
* New: Advanced Search functionality for all dashboards (Beta)
* Update: Added Billing Address and Customer ID to orders CSV export (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Some orders not getting displayed in orders dashboard (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Line total not getting displayed in the print invoice genrated using Smart Manager in orders dashboard (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 3.9.23 (01.05.2017) =
* Fix: Fixes related to attributes & categories not getting displayed in the grid (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 3.9.22 (14.04.2017) =
* Update: Compatibility with WooCommerce v3.0+
* Fix: Illegal mix of collation for utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci issue
* Fix: Type of undefined error on Smart Manager grid load (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Fixes related to serialized data handling in batch update functionality (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Fixes related to add product functionality (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 3.9.21 (23.01.2017) =
* Fix: 'Same As Parent' option not available for 'Tax Class' field for product variations (WooCommerce)
* Fix: '.00' getting trimmed off when saving 'price/sales price' field using Smart Manager (WooCommerce)
* Fix: Some minor fixes

= 3.9.20 (05.01.2017) =
* Fix: Illegal mix of collation for utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci issue
* Fix: Call to undefined function 'date_diff()' for PHP Category: 'Add To' & 'Remove From' not working (WooCommerce)

= 2.6 =
* Added: Multilingual support for Danish & French languages
* Updated: "Batch Update" of Customers & Orders for WPec - added extra field for region
* Updated: Un-wanted changes in products when updating from Smart Manager
* Updated: Automatic update of Smart Manager in WordPress Multisite
* Updated: Reduced number of request to Database
* Fixed: Smart Manager creation & removal of variation in WPeC
* Fixed: Batch Updation of Country & Region in Customer & Order dashboard
* Fixed: Publish date set to current date in WPeC
* Fixed: Export CSV showing PHP Warnings
* Fixed: Export CSV exporting thumbnail's URL instead of original image's URL

= 2.5 =
* Added: Support for "Attribute Management" for WooCommerce
* Added: Support for adding product variation for WPeC
* Added: Search using multiple keywords
* Updated: Export CSV
* Updated: Displaying "Please wait..." message when loading & unloading variation
* Updated: Showing default image thumbnail instead of actual image
* Fixed: Smart Manager shows price as zero by default
* Fixed: Publish date set to current date

= 2.4 =
* Fixed: Customers & Orders list showing only 100 records ( WooCommerce )
* Fixed: 'Export CSV' not exporting values containing comma
* Fixed: Export CSV not working in PHP versions below 5.3
* Added: Can filter products list based on attribute names for WooCommerce
* Updated: Added 'Site Title' in the name of Exported CSV file
* Fixed: State restore - Smart Manager will open the dashboard you left it on
* Fixed: Order detail permission issue in WPeC 3.8.8
* Updated: Minimize, Maximize and Close buttons will now be always visible in popup windows (Product Edit / Billing Details / Image Management)
* Updated: Enabled Inline Editing of product names for WPeC
* Updated: Product Description & Additional Description text fields now grow with content
* Updated: Added SKU field in Packing Slip for WPeC
* Updated: Disabled "Edit Link" for product variation for WPeC & WooCommerce
* Updated: Only those postmeta will be updated whose value is greater than 0
* Updated: Smart Manager License Key setting & displaying messages for WordPress Multisite

= 2.3 =
* New: "Export CSV" support for WooCommerce 1.4+ and WP e-Commerce 3.7+
* Fix: Update & Batch Update of Price & Sale Price
* Fix: Products not displaying for WP e-Commerce 3.7
* Fix: Deletion of product variation from WooCommerce
* Updated: Disabled fields not required for product variation for WooCommerce
* Updated: Hide product variation whose parent product is not a variable product
* Updated: Changed inline editable field in LITE version

= 2.2 =
* New: Product Variation support for WooCommerce 1.4+
* Fix: Minor fix for retrieving License Key for WordPress Multisite
* Fix: Hide variations in Smart Manager, if parent product is deleted
* Fix: Better security by preventing SQL injection
* Fix: Minor fix for loading products using page navigation
* Updated: "Search Text Field" trigger time changed from half second to one second
* Updated: Show product variations while searching for category

= 2.1 =
* Fixed: Asking to install WooCommerce when WooCommerce is already installed
* Updated: Smart Manager for WooCommerce 1.4.3
* New: Manage Image Thumbnail of Products & its Variations for WPeC 3.8
* New: Manage Image Thumbnail of Products for WooCommerce 1.4.3
* New: Show Product Image Thumbnail for WPeC 3.7
* Updated: Automatic upgrade for Wordpress Multisite
* Updated: License Key setting for Wordpress Multisite
* Fixed: Incomplete change in Order Status when changing it using Smart Manager in WooCommerce

= 2.0 =
* New: All important fields of 'Customers' & 'Orders' for WooCommerce are now editable inline
* New: 'Batch Update' on 'Customers' & 'Orders' for WooCommerce
* Fixed: MySQL error in case of WP e-Commerce 3.7
* New: Smart Manager Access Control for WP e-Commerce 3.7
* Updated: Any modified value will be saved before 'Batch Update' for WP e-Commerce 3.7 & 3.8 both
* Updated: Position of Notification that comes after any updation or deletion

= 1.9.1 =
* New: Access Privileges - give controlled access to non-Admin users in WordPress
* Fixed: Problems accessing Settings page
* Updated: Improved auto upgrade process

= 1.9 =
* New: View customers and orders for WooCommerce from Smart Manager
* Fixed: Clicking on Settings / Register gave permission error

= 1.8 =
* New: Product batch update can now update the entire store - not just selected items
* New: (beta) Support for Woo Commerce product management
* New: Can search on product's SKU too now
* New: Added "please wait" notification for batch update
* Fixed: Minor compatibility issues with PHP 5.3
* Misc improvements and fixes 

= 1.7 =
* New: Batch Invoice / Packing Slips Printing
* New: All popup windows are now collapsible and have better shadow effect ;-)
* Fixed: Grid jumped to first page on saving records
* Fixed: Product search not showing any results in certain cases

= 1.6 =
* Fixed: Customer's Dashboard not showing correct Billing States.
* Fixed: "Response is not in a proper format" error.
* Fixed: Add Product button remained enabled in Lite Version.
* Fixed: Whenever the grid page is loaded everytime store loading occurred twice.

= 1.5 =
* NEW: Performance optimization for large number of records.
* Change: State / Region from Customers / Orders can be updated only via Batch Update now.
* Fixed: Issues in updating customers and orders.
* Fixed: Product weight units did not match with WPeC product edit window.

= 1.4 =
* NEW: Search, view, modify and delete variations of Products (paid versions only, requires WPeC 3.8+).
* NEW: Batch Update on variations of Products (paid versions only, requires WPeC 3.8+).
* Fixed: Upgrade problems with previous version 

= 1.3 =
* NEW: Smart Manager now remembers changes you made to grid columns, edit product window dimensions and selected dashboard
* NEW: Batch Update on Variations price and weight for WPeC version 3.7
* Fixed: Products Dashboard empty issue

= 1.2 =
* Fixed: Batch update on "Quantity Limited" did not work
* Fixed: Publish / Unpublish not working
* Fixed: Orders / Customers Dashboard blank screen issues
* Fixed: Table Rate Pricing lost issue
* Product weights are now converted to Pounds to match WPeC standard

= 1.1 =
* Fixed: An issue with Category batch update
* Fixed: Search was not working correctly with more than 100 products
* Fixed: Compatibility issue with Internet Explorer

= 1.0 =
* NEW: Batch Update for Categories in Products now available for WPeC 3.8 also
* Fixed: Problem with loading Products

= 0.9 =
* NEW: Auto upgrade feature for Pro version added
* Fixed: products not loading in some cases
* Optimizations for large number of products
* Misc other fixes and optimizations

= 0.8 =
* NEW: WPeC 3.8 compatible release

= 0.7.4 =
* Fixed: blank grid if you had more than 100 products

= 0.7.3 =
* Products Dashboard: added Description & Additional Description fields to the grid
* Products Dashboard: added Flat rate shipping options - Local & International Shipping Fee, Height, Weight, Length and their Units
* Products Dashboard: added Disregard Shipping field to the grid
* Products Dashboard: added Local and International Shipping Fee in Batch Update
* Products Dashboard: can now search for all products with quantity limited by typing "-1" in search field
* Shifted Shipping Details from Customer Dashboard to Orders Dashboard
* NOTE: Most of these new fields are not visible in the grid by default. Click on downward arrow in a column heading -> Columns and then select columns you want to show.
* Fixed a problem that did not show Order detail popup in some installations
* Fixed an issue with moving around Edit column in the grid
* Fixed issues with Country and State comboboxes in Customers and Orders dashboards
* Added global error handler to show a description of JS errors if any - this will help debug blank page situations
* Added "Need Help?" link

= 0.7.2 =
* Fixed a bug with customers batch update

= 0.7.1 =
* Fixed a problem with order amounts being rounded unnecessarily
* Fixed: error with no products in database
* Enhanced JS and CSS loading mechanism
* Added notification messages for no customers / no orders
* Shipping phone number renamed to Phone number
* Fixed an issue with batch update along with new product additions

= 0.7.0 =
* Added Customers dashboard - view, search, (In Pro: inline editing and batch update)
* In Pro: Total Purchased and Last Order details
* If switching dashboards with pending changes, you will now be notified if you want
  to save before switching.
* Misc optimizations and usability improvements  

= 0.6.2 =
* Fixed a critical bug that prevented product list to load

= 0.6.1 =
* Product batch update broke in last version - fixed
* If system did not have any orders, Order dashboard did not work - fixed
* Made Orders grid sortable
* On first load "product list is empty" showed up - fixed
* Other minor fixes and code cleanups

= 0.6.0 =
* Order Management features added - search, navigate, inline editing
* Product dashboard now allows editing name and price in Lite version
* Can search on product names within an order / session id
* Filter orders by date range
* Batch update order status, notes and track id
* Add order notes / track id right from the grid view
* See order details without leaving the page
* Bring up product editing screen of WPeC without leaving the page
* Alert messages replaced with slide down notifications
* Improved search performance 
* Added Facebook like button. We would love to get your likes! ;-)

= 0.5.7 =
* Fixed a problem which caused blank screen on Smart Manager page
* Showing 100 items at once instead of 25 now

= 0.5.6 =
* Code reorganization
* Lite version release
* Added product logo and lite / pro indicator text in heading

= 0.5.5 =
* Special character handling added
* Category drop down now resets correctly in Batch Update
* Removed extraneous debugging code

= 0.5.4 =
* Added Product Variations Price and Weight change support
* Saving changed items on search / navigation
* Improved notification messages for better clarity
= 0.5.3 =
* First public release
* Product administration features