Smart Manager Additional Settings

Here are a few additional settings of Smart Manager:

Reset the column state to default in Smart Manager

  1. Currently, for resetting the column state, you would need to make changes at the database level.
  2. Go to your WordPress database and open {prefix}options table.
  3. Search for the row having option_name as _sm_beta_{login email}_{Smart Manager Dashboard}.
  4. Simply delete that row.
  5. Now, refresh Smart Manager and the column state should be resetted. For example, if the login_email is ‘’ and you want to reset the sort for ‘Products’ dashboard then search in {prefix}options table for _sm_beta_abc@wordpress.com_Products and delete the same.

View & manage ‘Trash’ records for any post type in Smart Manager

  1. Currently, for viewing records you move to trash for any post type, you would need to make changes at the database level.
  2. Go to your WordPress database and open {prefix}options table.
  3. Insert a new row with option_name as sm_view_trash_records and option_value as yes.
  4. Now, refresh Smart Manager page and you would be able to view & manage trash records for any post type.
  5. If you want to enable the view & manage trash records for only a particular post type, then you can simply set the option name as sm_view_{post_type}_trash_records where ‘{post_type}’ is the slug for the respective post type. For example, if you want to enable the same only for ‘WooCommerce Orders’ dashboard, then the option would be sm_view_shop_order_trash_records.

Disable forceful collapsing of WordPress admin menu when on Smart Manager page

  1. Currently, for disabling forceful collapsing of WordPress admin menu when on Smart Manager page, you would need to make changes at the database level.
  2. Go to your WordPress database and open {prefix}options table.
  3. Insert a new row with option_name as sm_wp_force_collapse_admin_menu and option_value as no.
  4. Now, refresh Smart Manager page. The WordPress admin menu will not collapse forcefully.

Modify the rows height in Smart Manager grid

  1. Currently, to modify the rows height in Smart Manager grid, you would need to make changes at the database level.
  2. Go to your WordPress database and open {prefix}options table.
  3. Insert a new row with option_name as sm_grid_row_height and option_value as {height in 'px'/'em'}(e.g. 50px).
  4. Now, refresh Smart Manager page. The rows height in the grid would be set as per the option_value set in above step.

Disable ‘Task title’ popup that appears when saving inline edit changes or attempting to bulk edit

  1. Currently, for disabling ‘Task title’ popup that appears when saving inline edit changes or attempting to bulk edit, you would need to make changes at the database level.
  2. Go to your WordPress database and open {prefix}options table.
  3. Insert a new row with option_name as sm_show_tasks_title_modal and option_value as no.
  4. Now, refresh Smart Manager page.

Disable use of HTML number input field when trying to inline edit numeric fields

  1. Currently, for disabling use of HTML number input field when trying to inline edit numeric fields, you would need to make changes at the database level.
  2. Go to your WordPress database and open {prefix}options table.
  3. Insert a new row with option_name as sm_use_number_field_for_numeric_cols and option_value as no.
  4. Now, refresh Smart Manager page.

If you need any help with setting above options, feel free to get in touch and we will help you setting it up.