Cashier – WooCommerce One Page Checkout

Entire purchase process on a single page

Best one page checkout WooCommerce plugin, allowing customers to choose product quantities, fill checkout form and make payment, all on a single page.

cashier one page checkout woocommerce plugin

Big-time savings and reduced abandonment

Sell more with a simpler and quick checkout

For businesses like FMCGs, multi-step checkout is unavoidable. But what if you sell digital goods like plugins, themes, memberships, subscriptions or some checkout addons? What if you have a limited product portfolio?

A long purchase process with irrelevant checkout fields will shoot up abandonment.

Cashier – one page checkout for WooCommerce plugin recognizes customers’ valuable time and streamlines the process, providing a convenient and express checkout experience for users, also called WooCommerce one page shopping.

  • No setup or configuration

    Enable/disable one page checkout enhancement as and when you like, using a toggle. A super relief for non-techies.

  • Reduced distractions

    Eliminates unnecessary distractions and keeps the customer’s attention on the essential information needed to complete the purchase.

  • Improved user experience

    A straightforward and convenient checkout, allowing customers to complete their purchase more quickly without navigating through multiple pages.

  • Clear call-to-actions

    With a one-page checkout, customers can review and submit their orders faster, making it easier for customers to understand and proceed with the purchase.

12+ years of WooCommerce experience

You can’t go wrong with StoreApps plugins

Our plugins are an investment that has a guaranteed RoI for a lifetime.

“We chose Smart Offers and are happy we did. Grossed over $20K in a year. It was well worth the investment.” – Seth

“I use the Cashier plugin for the skip cart functionality and it works great. Support is friendly and fast.” – Hanuman

“StoreApps is super helpful, and their plugins use clear and dynamic interfaces that help me actually save time.” – Scott

Smart Coupons offers extensive customization, making it easy for users to buy gift cards and use coupons without adding unnecessary bloat to WooCommerce.” – Jeremiah

“Buy Now has enabled me to send promotional emails that direct customers right to the checkout page with the correct products and coupons added.” – Chris

“Check out is fast as it skips a step and it’s simple to set up. Only wrote to support once but received a reply quickly and the matter was resolved.” – Sander

View more reviews →

How to setup page for WooCommerce one page checkout

Cashier allows you to create special pages or turn any page into a one-page checkout page on your website. Set WooCommerce single page checkout for pre-selected products, product IDs and product categories.

turn page into one page checkout

Turn any page into WooCommerce single page checkout

Directly show a one page checkout option on any particular product page or landing page.

Once created, you can share your WooCommerce one page checkout URL via emails, social media or affiliates.

A visitor landing on your one page checkout funnel, will be shown the checkout and payment details below the products.

One page checkout for pre-selected products

Cashier provides the WooCommerce one page checkout shortcode (Create shortcode) button.

Clicking on it will automatically enable one page checkout for products marked with the “One Page Checkout” option.

You can also enable it for specific variations, apart from simple products and WooCommerce subscriptions products.

one page checkout product variations
one page checkout products ids

One page checkout for product IDs

Select product names and Cashier will auto-generate the shortcode with the ids to enable one page checkout for those WooCommerce products already chosen.

Showcasing one page checkout for specific products for special occasions, promotions, or for exclusive customers will enhance the personalized experience and engagement on your website.

One page checkout for product categories

Enable one page checkout for products from the same or different categories.

A dedicated page featuring products from the selected categories will be shown for the one page checkout option.

It’s a smart way to showcase related products and give more visibility to your limited products portfolio.

You can also show one page checkout with no payment option for free digital downloads like courses and ebooks.

View Cashier one page checkout for WooCommerce plugin documentation.

one page checkoout product categories

Save $600+

All the checkout optimizations in one plugin

WoCommerce checkout field editor, WooCommerce direct checkout, frequently bought together, add to cart redirect, WooCommerce Buy Now buttons and more…get all at an unbelievable price.

No other plugin provides them all in a single solution, only Cashier does it.

Cashier settings

Cashier Pricing

It’s worth your time and investment

Avoid individual plugin setup hassles and their time-consuming support. Cashier streamlines everything into one, saving you money and frustration.

Single Site

Get the plugin on

Buy with confidence – you’re in good hands

You’re buying from the best!

Rest assured that you will be well taken care of when you buy from StoreApps.

  • Top selling plugins for marketing and store management
  • Official WooCommerce and GoDaddy partner
  • Founded in 2011, one of the early Woo third party developers
  • 40k+ customers, 300k+ users, millions of downloads
  • Consistent 5 star review ratings
  • WordPress community contributor, sponsor, speaker.

Guaranteed Safe Checkout

Friendly support from top quality developers

Our plugins are easy to use. We also have ample documentation. But whenever you need further assistance, you will get support from the same people who develop these plugins! We make sure you succeed!

StoreApps team is on your side