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7 Types of Welcome Emails to Impress Your Customers

More than 50% audience open welcome emails and these mails generate more than 300% revenue. Here are 7 types of welcome emails that can skyrocket sales.

Last updated on May 3, 2024

Interesting welcome email stats

Welcome Emails have always been the most effective, engaging and the highest converting emails. If you can’t believe this, here are some stats that will prove the same:

  • The average open rate of a welcome email is a whopping 50% which is 86% more effective than the other emails.
  • Welcome emails have 320% more revenue per email than other promotional mails.
  • More than 74% consumers expect a welcome email after they sign up.

This highlights why welcome emails are so important.

Hence, it becomes absolutely necessary to leverage these welcome emails in order to grow your business.

The psychology behind welcome emails

Three triggers instantly increases visitors trust flow on you and your business-

Welcoming visitors on board as soon as they sign up for something on your site is a great sign of caring.

They, as a customer feel special about getting your attention towards them.

And finally, when you cared so much to write an email to them, they know you’re serving them better.

These three triggers directly result in their likelihood to buy more products from you! To leverage this experience and trust to the next level, what matters most is the type of content that you send in your email.

So, here are the seven types of welcome emails that big e-commerce businesses leverage to take their business to the next level.

The “Special” mail

These mails make users feel special about their sign up which actually develops a relationship between you (as an e-commerce store owner) and the customer.

If you are working with your own name as a brand when sending emails, there’s direct communication between two persons rather than communication between a store and a person. This makes visitors feel more connected with you.

But if you’re already a successful brand, chances are, customers will remember you more from your brand name.

Here’s a layout of a well-crafted gratitude mail from Buffer-a social media management tool:

Gratitude email
Buffer email example

The “Gratitude” mail

A Gratitude mail focuses on thanking customers for their love and support. These are short crisp emails that have huge potential of connecting with your readers.

A gratitude mail can additionally consist of some important links to your social media pages so that the user can start engaging more with your brand socially as well.

Gratitude email
Gratitude email example

The “How to Get Started” mail

Your customer may or may not know how to get the most out of your product.

So with these types of welcome emails, you’re helping customers to get them started with the product, explain its additional functionalities about what the product is all about.

It makes for a delightful customer experience and increased customer satisfaction.

Here’s a short “how to get started” email example from Dropbox:

How to get started mail
Dropbox get started email example

The “Social Connect” mail

Emails that are full of sales material can bore your customer and may even frustrate them. Thus, mixing a pinch of social media’s taste can effectively balance customer’s interest in your store.

The main aim of this mail is to get your customers social. Invite them to join your brand on social media and open up their thoughts.

This results in two direct advantages:

  • It increases your social reach
  • It develops a friendlier relationship

Here’s how “The Container Store” focuses solely on turning their customers into social media fans with strong call-to-action.

Social Connect Mail
Social connect mail example

The “Incentive” mail

Incentive emails are used to attract more and more customers to increase sales by offering them freebies or discounts. This means that even the modest incentives can prove insanely successful.

Here’s an email template example from “Club Mango” that showcases a strong offer that results in pretty good click-through rates.

Incentive email
ClubMango incentive email example

The “Promote” mail

Promote mails, as the name suggests, aims at promoting some of the best bought products that would attract customers into buying more.

So the main goal of these types of mail is to bring in more sales rather than developing a relationship with your customers as being done in the above examples.

Here’s an example of an attractive promotional mail from Aldo. It attractively promotes the best of the shows with an attractive design matching the overall brand.

Promote email
Aldo promotional email example

The “Feedback” mail

Feedback mail is mainly focused on building a better business-customer relationship which also helps businesses to improve their products.

Feedback email works best when it is sent about half or a day later after the customer signs up, as it gives them some time to get acquainted with your product.

Here’s a successful example of a feedback email from BuzzSumo, a software company:

Feedback email

Merging email types together? How well would it work?

As you saw in the above example how Buzzfeed combined the three types – thank you, getting started and feedback, there’s no doubt that this makes their customers love their product.

You are always going to include a thank you note to the customer, right? Depending on your business niche, you can always blend in other types of emails to either generate more sales or build better customer service, depending on your goal.

Want to take this further to a next level?

What’s laid down in this post are just the types of emails that you can mix, merge and use to create effective welcome emails. But, there are many other aspects that stand out behind the “perfect” welcome email. These 10 essential elements of an effective welcome email will help you make your welcome emails better.

So what are you waiting for? Craft your amazing welcome email and quickly boost customer engagement!

2 thoughts on “7 Types of Welcome Emails to Impress Your Customers

  1. I’m curious what sources your intro welcome email stats came from … internal? external (if so, which sources)?

    1. Hi Nate,

      The information was picked from a few external sources during our research. One of the websites was this

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